Classes 2023-2024 -

Busy Bees @ Hewish 2023-24

Terms 5 and 6

During terms 5 and 6, we will be learning how to answer our enquiry question ‘What do other countries look like compared to ours?’ We are very excited to be able to take the children on a ‘journey’ to Iceland, Spain, Kenya and Australia to look at life in these countries.  We will be comparing the climate, clothing, language, food, homes, landmarks, animals and art from these countries and our country to find out about the similarities and differences.  We will be making a holiday brochure for each country and we would like to present this information to you on the afternoon of Friday 12th July at 2.30pm when you can also enjoy some tasty food from each of the four countries.  We are currently growing potatoes for the Spanish omelette and strawberries for the Australian national dessert, pavlova.

We start this exciting learning journey with a visit from Eddie the Explorer on Monday 15th April.  Eddie will be telling the children all about the things an explorer needs (including a map) and what an explorer does.  Eddie will also be sharing his experiences of exploring our local town, Weston-super-Mare.

We invite your child to make a map of their local environment to bring into school on Monday 15th April to show Eddie.  They might like to include their house, local park, shops, school, bus stop, rivers and roads on their map.

Please click on the link to see a copy of this term’s knowledge organiser.  Please share some of the more technical vocabulary with your child. Knowledge Organiser Term 5 & 6 2023-24

We will be continuing to revise our set 1 and set 2 phonic sounds with the children so they are confident with all of the sounds before moving into Year 1. Please continue to listen to your child read at least three times every week to increase their fluency and comprehension skills.

Thank you.


Terms 3 and 4

During Terms 3 and 4, we will be investigating what helps living things grow and change.  During our enquiry, we will also be answering our mini questions:

How have we grown and changed?

What do plants need to grow and change?

What do plants and animals do to help us grow and change?

How do living things grow and change?

What do we celebrate at this time of year?

Please click on this link to see our knowledge organiser FS terms 3 and 4 Knowledge Organiser

This knowledge organiser gives you some ideas for books about growing and changing and a list of vocabulary that you could share with your child.

We will be visiting a local garden centre and a working farm during terms 3 and 4 to hear from experts about how plants and animals grow and change.


Welcome to Busy Bees @ Hewish.

We are really looking forward to getting to know your children and commence our exciting learning journey together.

In Terms 1 and 2 our overall learning enquiry question is ‘What makes me special and belong?’  During this enquiry we will also be answering our mini questions: ‘Who am I and how am I special?’, ‘How are we the same and different?’, ‘Who is in my family?’, ‘What is special about our school?’, ‘Who is in our community?’ and ‘What do we celebrate?’

Please see the link to our knowledge organiser Knowledge organiser Terms 1 and 2 2023-24 

This will give you a list of the key vocabulary that we will be using during our learning enquiry and some suggested books about different types of families that you could share with your child.

Please could your child leave their PE kit in school.  We will send PE kits home at the end of each term to be washed. Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays.

Dates for your diary

On Thursday 5th October at 5.30pm in the school hall at our West Wick site, we will be holding a phonics and early maths information evening for all parents/carers of our Busy Bees children from both sites. The evening will be less than an hour in length and will give you an insight into how we teach phonics and maths so that you can support your child’s learning at home.  We hope to see as many of you as possible.

Our learning review meetings will be held after school on Tuesday 10th October and Thursday 12th October. 

Friday 13th October is a training day for staff and the school will be closed for pupils.

Term 2 starts on Monday 30th October.

Our Nativity performance will be held on Friday 15th December at 2.30pm in the school hall at Hewish.