Parent Information
Children flourish when there is a close partnership between them, their home and their school.
We are fortunate to have supportive families who get involved in school life and support their children to be the very best that they can be. We have an open door policy, encouraging families to talk share successes and discuss challenges at the earliest possible opportunity.
Alongside our home school partnership books and regular availability for a chat, we have two formal parents’ evenings per year. Our children are very much at the centre of these conversations as they are the leaders in their own learning. They lead the discussions based upon their successes so far, the challenges they are facing, what they need to do next to become even better learners and who can help them.
We use Facebook, Twitter and our website to keep families updated on what is happening at school as well as our weekly and termly newsletter. We are always looking for ways to continue to improve our communication…please get in touch if you have an idea!