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Online Payment Systems
We use an online system called Parentpay, for families to pay for school dinners, trips, camps etc… Parentpay is also used to give permission for trips and camps.
Please follow the link to access Parentpay.
When families join St Anne’s they will be given a Parentpay login. If you have more than one child in our school or at another school which also used Parentpay the accounts can very easily be merged to one login.
All items must be purchased in advance of receipt of goods.
If you are having difficulties with Parentpay, there is online support available – see link, which we would ask you to check before contacting the school office with your query.
Please respond to deadlines sent out in letters in order to avoid disappointment.
Breakfast Club and afterschool activity clubs are booked and paid for via School Gateway. Follow the link to register for the app and get started.
If you need any assistance with this process please ask a member of the office crew who will be happy to help.