Classes 2023-2024 -

Year 6 @ Hewish 2023-24

Welcome to  Year 6 @ Hewish

Class Teachers: Mrs Coulton and Mrs Webb

Useful links:

Term Three Home Learning Revision

Top Marks is another useful website with free maths games to support all areas and concepts. Click here.

Term 1 Spelling Word Lists

Term 2 Spelling Word Lists

Term 3 Spelling Word Lists

Term 4 Spelling Word Lists

Term 5 Spelling Word Lists

Term Six

Why should we adapt and change?

Science and PSHE/RSHE

We continue to explore adaptation as we pose the question, ‘should we allow nature to take its course?’ We will look at classification and observation of specific species, culminating in a snail identification hunt!

Through our RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) we will then explore changes in the context of ourselves where children will learn about changes to the body during puberty. Children will then learn about conception: from babies to birth before exploring the changes that are fast-approaching our Y6 children in terms of friendships, relationships and transition to secondary school.


In English, we will continue and finish ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio, using the idea of ‘precepts’ as a basis for our leavers’ service. Children will write their own memories as well as precepts they may wish to live by. In writing, we will continue to explore short bursts using high quality images and film in order to develop authorial voice. We will take inspiration from our learning enquiry to write non-fiction informative texts about adapted plants we have previously learned about. Children will develop drama and oracy skills as they embark on our upcoming production.


Our focus this term is becoming ‘secondary ready. We will explore post-year six maths through a series of lessons that make use of the NCEMT’s Y7 checkpoints. These contain provocations and problems for children to solve, ensuring they apply the knowledge and skills they have learned across KS2.


We will continue to explore the Islamic faith as we explore the Hajj and Zakat in more detail. Children will learn about what it means to be a Muslim in Britain.


We continue to offer two PE sessions per week this term, one of which will focus on coordination and agility. In our other PE session, we will continue to develop hand-eye skills through playing games of rounders and cricket. We will revisit dance as we learn moves for our upcoming production.


We will explore online safety in our final computing sessions, focusing on password protection and make sensible and safe choices when online.


As well as learning songs for our production ,we will embark on a unit of work that allows children to explore writing a song to share at their leavers’ service. We will co-write chorus and verse lyrics before creating a melody.


This term we will embark upon a design project in order to create costumes for our production. Children will work with fastenings and glue to create embellished garments more aesthetic.

Term Five

Why should we adapt and change?

In our science-based learning theme, we will explore inheritance and evolution before moving onto how animals have adapted and reasons for this. We will spend time learning about animals that no longer exist and pose theories for why this is. We will research Charles Darwin and seek to discover why we has thought to be so dangerous in the Victorian era.


In English, we will begin ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio. Children will continue to hone their retrieval and inference skills through the study of this book. The children will write an ‘All About Me’ text to inform their new teachers at secondary about themselves and will produce a further non-fiction explanation text linked to our science learning about evolutionary adaptation. We will work on our figurative language and description skills in writing to entertain in the form of narrative to tell the story from short video clips and an evocative images.


This term, we will complete the Y6 maths curriculum with algebra and ratio/ proportion. Children will learn to write expressions and solve equations and will explore the multiplicative relationship further as they solve problems with ratio. We will then revise key concepts and arithmetic fluency in order to prepare them fully for their assessments in May.


Our RE focus this term is understanding and learning about Islam. Children will learn about the five pillars of Islam and the Qur’an through stories from the faith. We will then look at prayer and practises of those who practise the Islamic faith. We will end the unit with a self-study project where the children will be given the opportunity to research a historical or present-day inspirational Muslim.


Our focus this term will be ‘Relationships’ which will allow children to explore their relationships with themselves. We will discuss mental health and what makes for a positive mental outlook. We will then talk about what happens when relationships become difficult and how to manage these.


This term, we will explore hand-eye coordination with a focus on tennis. Children will develop ball control and will gain further insight into the rules of the game. In addition to this, a focus on health and fitness will make up our second PE session where children will explore a variety of circuits with a view to improve week on week. This term will include ‘healthy week’ where children will take part in our school sports day as well as visit Hutton Moor to learn life saving and first aid skills.


This term, we will revise numbers to 20 and will begin a unit of work on ‘au café’ and ‘au marche’ where children will explore how to ask for things in shops. We will then explore café conversation and French food.


This term, children will explore inventing a product. We will begin with invention design before exploring how to code and debug. We will use computer aided design (CAD) to be product creators before looking at how websites and video adverts are used for marketing purposes.


In art this term, we will go on a journey through impressionism and expressionism and finish by looking at modern day photography. The children will learn the key features of each of these art forms and will use their new skills to produce two self-portraits: one in digital form and another in mixed media on paper. In DT, we will be focusing on developing sewing skills and will work towards producing an item of clothing.

Term Four

Why is power important?

Following our exciting and hands-on ‘Ancient Greek Workshop Day’ delivered by ‘The Past Presents, we will continue to expand our knowledge and understanding of the Ancient Greeks. We will explore the Greek legacy with reference to the Olympics and Philosophy. As geographers, we will examine economic trade links in the context of Ancient Greece and will further explore conflict as we delve into the Sparta verses Athens wars and learn about Alexander the Great.

Our learning enquiry will culminate with the crew devising their own podcasts to answer the overarching questions about power.

Science: Light

As Scientists, we will be learning about light. We will gain an in depth understanding of how light travels, how we see objects (including learning the different parts of the eye and their function), the cause of shadows and the difference between reflection and refraction. We will use concept cartoons to explore our scientific thinking and work scientifically to investigate shadows.


We will continue with our exciting class text; Rick Riordan’s ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’ through which we will develop our reading skills while deepening our understanding of the Ancient Greek learning theme.

After completing our discussion texts entitled ‘Which mythological beast would make the best sidekick for Percy Jackson?’ we will be writing our own escape story based on the Greek myth ‘Icarus’ (inspired by the Pie Corbett retelling). We will follow this with some short-burst descriptions based on high-interest images and stimuli.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar is taught alongside our writing and is linked fully, allowing children to put into practise what they have learned.


We continue our learning on fractions and percentages before moving onto area, perimeter, position and direction. We will then undertake an assessment week where children will be given an opportunity to practice assessments they will face in May followed by an opportunity to reflect, review and revise any gaps identified.

We continue to teach fluency alongside our daily maths which includes: morning activities focusing on arithmetic skills, problem solving and a weekly arithmetic challenge.


As theologists, we will focus on ‘Salvation’ from the Understanding Christianity unit of learning. Children will spend time examining the story of Easter through the concept of resurrection. We will use art and poetry to explore our understanding of the concept of funerals and belief in life after death.


We will begin this term’s Jigsaw piece (titled ‘Healthy Me’ which incorporates both physical and mental well-being) with a visit from our PCSO who will deliver a ‘choice and consequence’ program to the children focusing on keeping themselves safe as they gain more freedom. We will be discussing and exploring the following: taking responsibility for our own health and well-being, learning about different types of drugs and their uses and effects on the body, exploitation and how people can be made to do things against the law, the risks involved with gangs, exploring attitudes towards mental health and illness, and how to manage stress and pressure.


In PE this term, we will develop our gymnastic skills through our REAL gym program. Children will use equipment in the hall to develop core shapes and devise sequences. We will also explore classic ball games such as end ball, dodge ball, bench ball and football.


Our focus this term will be ‘Film Music; where we will explore soundtracks and then scenes before learning composing for film is achieved.

Term Three

Why is power important?

As historians, we will consider how the world has been shaped by key events and question what it would look like now had these events not taken place. We will explore a variety of sources and their validity in order to learn about the past. We will learn about how the Greeks shaped our modern day Olympic Games.

As geographers, we will find out where the Ancient Greeks actually lived and how this might have looked different to modern-day Greece. We will link this knowledge to our existing understanding of our own British geography (from recent KS2 studies such as the Romans and Vikings) and explore how Ancient Greece added to its power.

Science: Electricity

As Scientists, we will build upon our learning from Year Three and learn to draw accurate circuit diagrams using the correct symbols and terminology. We will explore a variety of simple and parallel circuits in a range of situations such as burglar alarms and traffic lights. We will examine why certain circuits work and other ‘non circuits’ do not and will investigate the effect of increasing different components within the circuit. We will use concept cartoons to explore our scientific thinking and learn about our key scientist, Michael Faraday.


We begin an exciting new text; Rick Riordan’s ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief’ through which we will develop our reading skills while deepening our understanding of the Ancient Greek learning theme.

Across the two terms, we will use two Greek myths (film-inspired ‘Orpheus & Eurydice’ and Pie Corbett’s short story ‘Icarus’) to write our own narratives and escape stories as well as looking at discussion texts, linked to our core book.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar is taught alongside our writing and is linked fully, allowing children to put into practise what they have learned.


Now that children are well-versed in the language of additive structures, we will move our thinking on to multiplicative relationships. We will learn standard methods for long multiplication and division before moving on to consolidate our understanding of fractions.

We continue to teach fluency alongside our daily maths with morning activities focusing on arithmetic skills as well as a focused session per week to ensure children can calculate efficiently.



As theologists, we will focus on the Gospel, beginning with the sermon on the mount and the Centurion’s Servant. We will ask ‘What would Jesus do?’ with regards to subjects such as poor health and will learn about the leprosy mission. We will consider whether or not enemies can become friends and explore the concept of generosity.


Our term three Jigsaw unit is ‘Dreams and Goals’. After setting personal learning goals, we will determine our own steps to success. We will explore our dreams for the World and consider how we can help to make a difference. We will plan together small ways in which we can make the world a better place and evaluate and recognise our achievements afterwards.

In addition, Year 6 children continue to lead weekly Children’s Worship sessions, building not only on their own leadership skills but their understanding of our Christian values.


In PE this term, we will explore the theme of carnival through dance. In our second PE session, we will focus on balance and coordination through games that promote understanding of shape.


In French, children will learn the associated vocabulary to describe ‘la maison’ et ‘ma chambre’ before exploring bedrooms around the world in different contexts.

We will continue to build our vocabulary through the topic ‘En Ville’ where children will learn about the town in which they live.


We will focus this term on programming and using the language of python in order to code.


In Art this term, children will explore wire structures. We will appraise Greek sculpture and will use olive trees as inspiration to make our own olive-inspired wire trees.

Term Two

Why do we remember?

We will continue our current learning theme by exploring key events during WW2 such as the Battle of Britain and the attack on Pearl Harbour. After recognising Remembrance through art, we will look as historians at the changes brought about following the end of the second world war, with a focus on Caribbean culture and influence. As geographers we will learn about how the geography of our world was impacted by war and as designers, will analyse, plan and design air raid shelter models to be fit for purpose.

Science: Animals including Humans

As Scientists, we will continue to examine the effects of lifestyle (such as diet and exercise) on the heart. Our scientist focus this term will be Leonardo Da Vinci; we will look at his interests in the human body in particular and his artwork linked to the heart.


We will use war-inspired photographs to inspire us to write narratives using rich description. In reading, we continue our journey into war-struck Devon as we try to uncover the mystery of the lighthouse.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar is taught alongside our writing and is linked fully, allowing children to put into practise what they have learned.


This term will focus firstly on numbers up to 10 million where we will deepen understanding of place value in a variety of contexts. Other learning includes order of operations (known more commonly as BODMAS or BIDMAS) in order to calculate without ambiguity. Finally, we will explore geometry where we will learn to draw, compose and decompose shapes.

Weekly arithmetic and daily multiplication tables will ensure that children are not overloaded cognitively during lessons and are able to practice procedural fluency outside of the maths lesson.


We will begin the term with continued learning about Gandhi’s life before moving on to learn about the Holocaust through the eyes of Rabbi Hugo Gryn. We will explore symbols of peace and peace -makers of the world before trying to answer ‘big’ questions such as ‘how should we live?’ and ‘who can inspire us?’


Our term two Jigsaw unit is ‘Celebrating Differences’. These sessions will begin by exploring empathy and our attitudes towards ‘difference’. We will explore what it feels like to be excluded and (in line with Anti-Bullying Week) will explore solutions to bullying.

In addition to PSHE lessons, Year 6 children will also continue to develop their leadership skills in  Parliament training sessions as they become more independent in their planning.


In PE this term, we will be preparing for January’s Indoor Athletics competition by deepening our understanding and application of running, throwing and jumping skills. Our FUNs skills this term are static balances and floor work.


In French, we continue to build our vocabulary through the verbs ‘etre’ and ‘avoir’ and a range of stories, songs and activities to promote language skills to describe where we live.


We will focus this term on creating media and researching the history of computers.


In art, we will look at Remembrance and War-inspired artwork, with a focus on poppies and a flash of colour at the forefront.

In DT, we will explore fabric techniques and will create a waistcoat that is decorated. We will focus on skills that allow us to fabricate and sew.



Term One

Welcome back to our Year 6 Crew and their families! We have a wonderful year of learning ahead and many exciting opportunities and adventures planned. Please remember to check twitter for our latest updates and read our ‘Welcome Letter’ for the all-important class details.

Why must we remember?

We will start our first learning theme by reflecting on our current world and remembering wars that have happened in our lifetime. We will then research and learn about the reasons for the start of World War I and begin to understand the impact of the war and its legacy.  As historians, we will explore why the war happened and could it have been prevented, and learn about the Treaty of Versailles. As geographers, we will locate the countries involved in World War II and identify the main trade routes.

Science: Animals including Humans

As Scientists, we will be learning to identify and name the main parts of circulatory system, describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood and describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. Our weekly lessons will involve a wide range of activities from research and scientific diagrams to practical activities such as dissecting a pig’s heart and making a blood model! We will work scientifically to set up an enquiry to measure pulse rate before and after exercise, and learn to write an effective evaluation.


We will start term one with an exploration of a beautiful poem from the book ‘The Lost Words’ where we will explore and perform poetry from nature before writing our own. Following our residential trip, we will be writing to persuade as we create promotional leaflets for Mendip Lodge. We will end the term by dipping into our next unit of visual literacy based on short film ‘Replay’.

As readers, we will explore key elements of understanding through our core text, ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ which is linked to our historical period of learning.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar is taught alongside our writing and is linked fully, allowing children to put into practise what they have learned.


We will begin the term by focusing on multiples of 1,000 to build on existing place value knowledge. After this, we will explore calculating using known structures in order to secure understanding in addition and subtraction. In addition to our daily lessons, there will be weekly arithmetic practice and an expectation that all children are fluent in their times table and division facts.


Our first unit – ‘How can we live and who can inspire us?’ asks us to think about positive examples which people have given that show us how to live, and to learn about values and commitments that have inspired or been taught by founders of faith or communities, leaders, believers and specific communities. In term one we will revisit the Creation Story and reflect on our own character traits, learn and understand about atonement and explore the qualities of Guru Nanak, Desmond Tutu and Mahatma Gandhi.


Our term one Jigsaw unit is ‘Being Me in My World’. These sessions will allow the children to learn and reflect on their place in both our community and the wider world. We will start by setting our whole school and class expectations before thinking about goals for the year ahead. The crew will then explore their role as global citizens and learn how our individual behaviour can impact a larger group. In addition to PSHE lessons, Year 6 children will also develop their leadership skills as they take on the role of Parliament leaders across the school.


In PE this term, we will focus on tag rugby and hockey, alternating each lesson between the two sport applications. Children will build skills, stamina and will learn tactics as well as rules.


Through our ‘Lost Words’ poetry, we will explore water-colour painting techniques to create images of feathers and birds. We will then move onto explore the work of war artist Henry Moore, unpicking his techniques of using contour lines, wax-melting and perspective to create such moving imagery of air-raid shelters in WW2. After learning these new skills, the children will design and create their own piece of Remembrance art.


As musicians, we will explore pace, tone and new vocabularies as we learn a well-loved wartime song ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’ as a class. This will be performed to another crew later in the term.


Still immersed in wartime Britain, we will explore secret codes through a unit of work on Bletchley Park. We will learn about hacking and computing heroes of the past.