Classes 2023-2024 -

Year 2 @ Hewish 2023-24

Term 6 – Monday 3rd June – Wednesday 24th July 2024

Welcome back to Term 6 Year 2! What a wonderful Year 2 journey you have all had. We are amazed by how much you have learnt and we are sure you will continue to surprise us in term 6.

Term 6 Overview of Learning

We will continue with our learning enquiry – What Places can we Explore? Children will continue to study Kenya and understand the diverse nature of the country. They will have the opportunity to use materials to create prints using African patterns as inspiration. In DT they will use felt to practise a running stitch then they will use their sewing skills to create and decorate a pouch. Children will then learn how exploring the world has changed by studying explorers from the past and from modern times and learning about significant events in exploration like the discovery of the Americas and the moon landing to help them understand how and where people explore and how these events made an impact.


In maths this term we will continue to learn about statistics then we will revisit addition and subtraction methods. We will then practise problem solving using all of our learning from year 2. At the end of term 6 we will embark on a fun maths project.

English writing

This term we will be reading ‘Greta and the Giants’ by Zoe Tucker. This is an inspirational tale based on the story of Greta Thunberg. We will use this text to explore how we can help to support our planet. We will learn about using different types of sentence, a range of conjunctions and apostrophes. We will then get the opportunity to innovate our own story based on the text.

Later in the term, we will look at ‘Meerkat Mail’ by Emily Gravett. We will use this text to ask and answer questions, present our learning to the class and then create our own factual leaflet about meerkats.

English Reading

We will continue with our daily guided reading lessons throughout term 6. We also have a whole class reading lesson each week. This term these lessons will be focussed on ‘The Wild Robot’ – a lovely story by Peter Brown about a robot surviving on a remote, wild island. The daily lessons will be in small groups, focussing on a different book, linked to your child’s reading level, working on reading fluency and comprehension skills. We will also be continuing to read high quality texts at the end of the day with rich vocabulary as a whole class.


Our question this term is still ‘How do we celebrate the Journey through Life?’  We will be looking at celebrations and the important events through life for Christians and for members of other religions and cultures.

Our value this term is Trust.


PE this term is cricket. We will also be developing our ball chasing and floor work skills.


In computing this term we will be looking at how computers help us to live in space. We will learn how people are able to live on the International Space Station and we will use online drawing tools to design a backpack of useful items to have in space. We will also learn how to create an algorithm and how to interpret useful data.


In term 6 we will be exploring dynamics, timbre, tempo and motifs using the theme of space.


This term’s unit is ‘Changing Me’. We will discuss changes that happen as we get older and we will learn some correct terms for parts of the body. We will also talk about how girls and boys are different and we will learn how to protect the privacy of both ourselves and others.


Term 5 – Monday 15th April – Friday 24th May 2024

Term 5 Overview of Learning

What places can we explore?

Following on from the previous learning enquiries that focus on the local area, children will explore the wider world and deepen their geographical knowledge of the world’s continents and oceans. Children will investigate what it is like in hot and cold countries with a focus on the Polar regions and countries near the equator. Children will compare the human and physical features of these areas with their locality. Children will have the opportunity to study Kenya and understand the diverse nature of the country. They will study a Kenyan village in detail comparing life there to their own. Artwork and Music will link to this along with stories like Lilah the Secret of Rain. Children will learn how exploring the world has changed by studying explorers from the past and from modern times. They will learn about significant events in exploration like the discovery of the Americas and the moon landing to help them understand how and where people explore and how these events made an impact.


In maths this term we start with our Measurement unit, looking at time to begin with. Children will need to know o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and finally 5 past and to the next hour. Then we move on to length and height and understanding cm and m. After that, we will look at position and direction.  The children will learn and understand left, right, anti-clockwise and clockwise and quarter and half turns. Finally, we will be concentrating on mass, looking at grams (g) and kilograms (kg).

English writing

We begin this term by looking at the exciting adventures of Tom in ‘The Great Explorer.’ We will use this text to recap sentence structure, learn to use a range of conjunctions and expand our vocabulary. We will learn some new sentence starters to use in our writing and we will then have the chance to create our own adventure story based on the text.

English Reading

We will be having two guided reading lessons a week again in term 5. One lesson will be focussed on non-fiction texts on famous explorers such as Robert Scott, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong and the other lesson will be in small groups, focussing on a different book, linked to your child’s reading level, working on reading fluency and comprehension skills. We will also be continuing to read high quality texts at the end of the day with rich vocabulary as a whole class.


Our question this term is ‘How do we celebrate the Journey through Life?’  We will be looking at what it means to take a journey, the important events through life for Christians and for members of other religions and cultures.

Our value this term is Trust.


We will be learning to develop our sending and receiving skills so that we can apply them in our cricket lessons. We will also be practising for events that we will be taking part in as a part of sports week, later in the term.


In computing we will use stop motion animation techniques and features to create our own short animation. We will learn that we need a sequence of images to create an animation and that it is important to make small changes to create a smooth sequence.


In music we will be learning a traditional call and response song from Ghana. This will include recognising and discussing the tempo, dynamics and timbre of the music then composing our own call and response songs.


This term’s unit looks at our relationships within our family and with our friends and acquaintances and how these can look different for each of us. These lessons also help us deal with conflict and find resolutions.




Terms 3 and 4 – Thursday 4th January – Friday 9th February and Monday 19th February to Thursday 28th March

Terms 3 and 4 overview of learning

What difference can a person make?

We are looking forward to investigating Brunel and all of his achievements this term. We will learn all about his engineering designs and successes and we will particularly focus on his local achievements. We will have the opportunity to practise building a strong bridge, complete some art based on ‘Emily Ketteringham’s’ wonderful local artwork and we will have a super trip to the SS Great Britain. We will also learn about some other people who have made a difference which will support us in considering how we can make a difference too.


We will begin by finishing our unit on shape in which we have learnt about the names and properties of both 2d and 3d shapes. We will then move on to multiplication and division where we will start by finding equal groups. We will then use repeated addition before moving on to the multiplication symbol. We will use arrays to represent our learning before moving on to the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We will then move on to division by creating equal groups and by sharing and finally we will practise solving a range of problems using our multiplication and division learning.

English writing

We will start Term 3 by retelling Sue Hardy Dawson’s wonderful poem ‘Where do you get your ideas?’. The children will have the opportunity to imitate the poem using their own verbs and adjectives to describe where an idea could come from.

We will then innovate using ‘Elf Road’. This is a descriptive and imaginative text which will enable the children to practise using a range of vocabulary along with coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and a range of sentence types in their writing.

In Term 4 we will be learning and innovating using another poem – ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’ by Edward Lear before learning about non chronological reports and writing our own report about Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

English reading

In terms 3 and 4 we will be reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. We will look at the vocabulary the author has used, we will practise sequencing, we will make predictions and inferences and most importantly we will be really enjoying this wonderful and funny story.


In terms 3 and 4 we will look at a range of stories from different religions to consider ‘Why some stories are special?’. This will give us the opportunity to read and discuss bible stories and parables aswell as stories from the Torah and the Qu’ran. In term 4 we will also focus on the Easter story.

Our value for term 3 is Friendship and term 4 is Forgiveness.


Our topic for terms 3 and 4 is materials. We will question and investigate why different materials are used for different purposes. We will consider what makes a material waterproof. We will identify the properties of various materials and take part in investigations and create designs based on our learning.


PE days for terms 3 and 4 will continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure children are wearing the correct PE kit on these days. This should be black shorts, trousers or skorts, a white St Anne’s logo t-shirt or a plain white t-shirt and black or white trainers. Long hair should be up and earrings will need to be taken out or covered with tape.


In terms 3 and 4 we will have the chance to explore a coding programme called scratch and we will create our own stop motion animations.


In term 3 we will use a range of instruments to recreate sounds from the British seaside, countryside and sounds of the city. We will then work together to compose a piece that takes the listener on a journey through the British landscape using sounds to represent each place.


In Term 3 we will focus on our dreams and goals. In term 4 we will learn about keeping healthy.



Term 1 – Wednesday 6th September – Thursday 12th October


Welcome to Year 2. We are so excited to get to know you all and we are looking forward to investigating our new topic together.


Term 1 Overview of Learning


What helps living things grow and thrive?

This term we are going to have lots of fun investigating the question ‘What helps living things grow and thrive?’  First we will look at what we need to stay healthy. We will investigate the effect exercise has on our body and we will look at the importance of good hygiene. We will also learn about food groups. We will then have the opportunity to grow some plants to help us to investigate what living things need to survive. Later in the term, we will consider what a habitat is. This will involve looking at a range of habitats including deserts and polar regions. We will even get the chance to design our own animal using our knowledge of habitats and adaptations.


In Term 1 we will start with place value learning. We will look at how many tens and ones a number has (i.e the number 28 has 2 tens and 8 ones). We will practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s before moving on to counting in 3s. We will use the commutative law and related facts to add and subtract and we will focus on number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Later in the term we will practise finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number before moving on to 10 more and 10 less. We will also have the chance to compare 2 digit numbers using mathematical language such as more than, less than and equal to. What a busy term!

English Writing

In English this term we will start with a super poem called ‘Bluebell’ from the beautiful book ‘The Lost Words’ by Robert MacFarlane. We will unpick the vocabulary to understand the poem and we will use it to practise our handwriting and presentation skills. We will also read it aloud to practise our performance skills. We will then begin ‘Alfie’s star’ which is a unit of writing to entertain. The children will have the opportunity to use their imaginations to create their own descriptive paragraphs inspired by the story.

English reading

We will continue to have a daily guided reading session where your child will either complete an independent activity or will read in a group with an adult. These sessions focus on a different book each week which is linked to your child’s reading level and enables them to work on reading fluency and comprehension skills. Your child’s group will work with an adult at least twice each week. We will also have a weekly whole class reading lesson. This term the text is ‘The snail and the whale’ by Julia Donaldson. We will also be reading ‘The Firework maker’s daughter’ by Philip Pullman daily as a whole class to expose the children to a high quality text with rich vocabulary.


In R.E we discuss what it means to belong, through discussions about groups, clubs, families and religions and how these are important in our everyday lives.

Our value this term is ‘Thankfulness’.



Our science topic for these next two terms will be ‘Animals, including humans’ and ‘ living things and their habitats’. We will be answering our learning enquiry questions through a range of investigations, where we will also learn how to observe closely, classify information and gather and record data.


P.E days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please wear PE kit to school on these days. PE kits should be black shorts, trousers or skorts, a  white St Anne’s logo t-shirt or plain white t-shirt and black or white trainers.


In computing this term we will look at what a computer is. We will identify the different parts of a computer and what they are used for. We will learn about how people control technology which will include the opportunity to exercise control when using cameras, tablets and computers. We will begin to develop our word processing skills and develop an understanding of how computers are used in the wider world.


In term 1 we will learn about dynamics and timbre. We will learn to identify and repeat short melodies. We will use our voices expressively and use percussion instruments to copy rhythmic patterns. We will also begin to use graphic notation. At the end of the term, all of our music learning will result in a group composition and performance for our peers to enjoy.


This term’s unit is ‘Being me in my world’. First we will consider our hopes for the year then we will consider how we can help ourselves and others to feel that we belong. We will consider how to ensure our classroom is a safe and fair place and we will learn about working cooperatively. We will have the opportunity to discuss how our choices and behaviour affect others.