Diocese of Bath & Wells

As a Church Academy we belong to the family of church schools within the Bath & Wells Diocese.  The Diocese of Bath and Wells Education Department supports 181 Church of England Schools. They provide professional advice and assistance to support schools in all aspects of their Christian Distinctiveness, through interpreting and sharing the Church of England’s Vision for Education and its 4 key pillars of wisdom, hope, community and dignity. For more information about the Bath & Well Diocese, please click on the link https://www.bathandwells.org.uk/

School Effectiveness

The Diocese school effectiveness team provides expert support, training and guidance to school leaders, governors and trustees on all matters outside those relating directly to school effectiveness. These include:

  • Vision, values and Ethos, values, spirituality and worship
  • RE, Collective Worship and Spirituality
  • Leadership
  • Governance
  • School to school support
  • Monitoring of standards and outcomes and brokering of support for vulnerable schools
  • Headteacher appointments
  • Wellbeing


Schools newsletter


Bath and Wells Diocese