Parent Information -


Children at St. Anne’s are required to wear the school uniform which is maroon and grey.  We believe that by wearing uniform the children develop a sense of pride in and identify with their school. We encourage all children to look smart during their time at school.

Price & Buckland 

Please be advised that the Trust has changed its uniform supplier across all our schools, including the Little Learners provision in our primaries, from 1st October 2023. We have reduced the number of compulsory branded items in order to give parents/carers more choice on where they purchase the non-branded items and to make uniform purchasing more cost effective and save families money, whilst not compromising on the quality, consistency and high standards of the products we do require to be purchased. 
Our new uniform supplier is Price & Buckland. The new uniform offer is wholly delivered via an online service, with the supplier having robust and established systems to deliver orders quickly and effectively. Please follow this link to view the new supplier website


The following items of clothing are expected.

Maroon round neck sweatshirt/ jumper or cardigan preferably with school logo

White polo shirt or white shirt/blouse

Grey pinafore dress/ grey skirt/grey trousers (long or short, tailored not P.E type)

Summer dress/skirt in maroon/red check



White T-shirt with the school logo or a plain white  polo shirt/T-shirt

Black shorts

Black daps/trainers

Maroon hoody with the school logo (This is optional and should only be worn for PE)



Swimming trunks/One piece costume (no Bermuda shorts or bikinis)

Swimming hat (for boys/girls with longer than shoulder length hair)


Forest School:

Waterproof clothing



All children will also need a book bag, preferably a school book bag

Black shoes (or sandals in the summer) should be worn. They should be in a sensible style (no trainers or long boots) with an appropriate style heel which allows children to walk and run in school safely.

Children should always have a waterproof coat and are encouraged to wear a sun hat during the summer months.

Children should not wear any jewellery to school. We believe that the safest place for jewellery and personal possessions is at home. If a child has pierced ears then studs may be worn. Children should avoid wearing hoop earrings. These should be removed for P.E. or where this is not possible children are encouraged to bring in earing tape to cover the earrings.

We would not expect to see children with dyed hair or with ‘extreme’ haircuts/styles.

All clothes and personal belongings should be clearly marked with the child’s name, preferably using sewn-in labels.

If clothing is not clearly named, if it is mislaid it and not claimed from lost property it will be included in our Pre-Loved items.

Pre-Loved Uniform

We have plenty of preloved uniform available at both sites.  Please ask if you require anything.