Classes 2024-2025 -

Busy Bees @ West Wick

Welcome to Busy Bees @ West Wick


Class Teacher: Miss Hoskins

Class LSA: Mrs Collins

SEND Support: Mrs Lewis-Owen (Mon/Tues/Fri) & Mrs Leigh (Wed/Thurs)


Term 1 – Wednesday 4th September – Thursday 17th October 2024


Enquiry One Knowledge Organiser: Curriculum Documents\Knowledge organiser Terms 1 and 2 24-25.pptx


Term 1 overview of learning


What makes me unique and how do I belong?

During Terms 1 and 2,  we will be seeking to answer the question: ‘What makes me unique and how do I belong?’ by looking at our mini enquiry questions.

Who am I?  What is unique about me?

This is my class.  How are we the same and different?

This is my family.  Who is in my family?

This is my school.  What is my school like?

This is my community?  Who is in my community?

The Busy Bees will be asked to produce an ‘All About Me’ poster at home which they can bring in and share with their class.  This will encourage their oracy skills and give us all a chance to find out more about our new friends.

We will be reading the following key texts and many more books about being unique and the importance of being you.


During the first couple of weeks the children will enjoy building relationships with peers and adults, learn to follow routines and expectations and work and play as part of a group.

From week 2 onwards, the Busy Bees will be introduced to our phonics scheme, Read, Write Inc.  They will learn single sounds initially.  There will be a presentation evening at West Wick on Wednesday 9th October at 5pm which will give parents information on how to support their child with phonics and maths at home.

The Busy Bees will begin to subitise (say the number of objects without counting), count up to 10 objects using one to one correspondence, sing number rhymes, link some numerals to quantity and talk about their maths thinking.

They will be given the opportunity to create in a variety of ways, individually or collaboratively, to explore line, shape and form through drawing.


The Busy Bees will have PE lessons on a Monday and a Friday.  Please bring a PE kit into school in a named bag for the children to change into for their PE lesson.  It is important that the children practise dressing and undressing so they develop this skill to be independent before they leave Busy Bees.

Dates for your diary:

Wednesday 9th October at 5pm – Phonics and early maths information evening for parents.

Our learning review meetings will be held after school on Tuesday 15th October and Thursday 17th October.


Friday 18th October is a training day for staff and the school will be closed for pupils.

Curriculum Documents\Knowledge organiser Terms 1 and 2 24-25.pptx

 Term 2 starts on Monday 4th November.