Parent Information -



The Anti-Bullying policy (2007) defines bullying as:

‘The intentional hurting of one person by another where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It is usually repetitive or persistent, although one-off attacks can have a continuing harm on the victim’.

At St Anne’s Church Academy, we try to explain Bullying to our pupils in a child friendly way:

It’s bullying when it’s:
S everal
T imes
O n
P urpose

It might be  things like:

– Hitting, kicking, poking, calling names
– Using words to make you feel frightened
– Trying to get people to dislike someone
– Sending nasty texts or emails
– Breaking your things

We are a caring school and all of our staff will be alert to the signs of bullying,  we will act promptly and firmly in line with the guidance in our policy.

If you’ve got a problem we’ll encourage you to tell and we’ll listen and help.

• We’ll try to make it easy for you to tell us if there’s a problem that makes you feel unsafe.
• We’ll celebrate ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ each year, putting up posters and having assemblies.
• We’ll look for ideas to help children understand bullying.
• We’ll encourage parents and children to support our school rules, so that everyone feels safe.
• We’ll teach you about bullying and what to do if you’re bullied, this might be done through small group work, PSHE, worship time and also during parliament.
• We’ll work hard to support those children who find it hard to be a kind and thoughtful friend.
• The adults in the school will have anti-bullying training, and we’ll remind them every year about what to do if bullying happens.

Class teachers, support staff, lunchtime staff and the Governors all work hard as team to help support the kind ethos of St Anne’s Church Academy, and as a school team, we will always try to make sure there’s less bullying.  Remember,  we can beat the bullies when we:

S tart
T elling
O ther
P eople

We are a ‘telling’ school and bullying is too important not to report.

Please see our Anti-Bulllying policy for guidance and support.