Termly Overview -

Term 1 and 2

‘Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family’

Kofi Annan

Our curriculum will support children to develop a very rich vocabulary. Through clear, planned progression, the curriculum has woven knowledgeskillsvocabulary and concepts throughout all the enquiries studied.  Take a look and click our termly knowledge organisers to see how we do this through an enquiry led approach.

Term 1 and 2 Curriculum Knowledge Organisers

EYFS – How can I be a superhero?
Year 1 – What’s around me? Year 2 – Who is the greatest explorer?
Year 1 terms 1 and 2 What’s around me KO Year 2 terms 1 and 2 Who is the Greatest Explorer Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 – Who settled here first? Year 4 What would Britain be like if the Romans never invaded?
Year 3 terms 1 and 2 Who Settled Here First Knowledge Organiser Year 4 terms 1 and 2 What would Britain be like if the Romans hadn’t invaded Knowledge Organisers
Year 5 – How green is our planet? Year 6 – Why do we remember?
Year 5 terms 1 and 2 How green is our planet Knowledge Organiser Year 6 terms 1 and 2 Why do we remember Knowledge Organiser