Community -


“Some people want it to happen, some wish it to happen, others make it happen” – Michael Jordan


Who are we?

St Anne’s PTFA exists to foster a feeling of community among the parents and children, through its social events, whilst at the same time raising funds for the benefit of the school.  All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available.  All families are automatically members of the ‘Friends of St Anne’s Church Academy’ when their child joins our school.

We have informal meetings throughout the year to plan the events and decide how the funds we raise should be used. The meetings are usually held on a weeknight evening at the school or one of the local pubs. We also hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where we review the year and  elect any new committee members.


How do we support St Anne’s Church Academy?

Throughout the year we organise fun family events and activities for the children including: Christmas Fair, School Discos, Easter egg hunt, quiz nights and our popular Summer Fair.  We then use funds that are raised to provide additional resources for the school and subsidise some educational trips and experiences for all children.

Some of the ways in which we have spent the funds we have raised include:

  • Donated money for  iPads,
  • Renewing and adding to reading and resource books
  • Gardening and Art club supplies


How can you help?

We need your help.  We need volunteers to help organise our events, do thing from home and of course we need volunteers to help set up and run our successful events.

You will see updates of what we are up to in the school newsletter. Please also join our a Facebook group –

Being part of the PTA doesn’t mean that you have to come to every meeting.  There are many ways you can support us.

  • Helping at our events
  • Supporting our events by encouraging your children to get involved and by
    ‘attending and spending’
  • Donations of raffle prizes
  • Joining our committee meetings

If you feel that you can help in any way, please get in touch. You can pop along to one of our meetings or email  for more information.



PTFA Latest Information

PTFA AGM Agenda 2nd November 2022

PTFA AGM Minutes 2021

PTFA newsletter Nov 2021


You can help the PTFA every time you do an online shop, follow this link to our easyfundraising website

St Anne’s PTFA Easyfundraising