Classes 2024-2025 -

Year 6 @ Hewish

Term 3

Here are this term’s spelling lists. The children have already been provided with their own copy. We provide opportunities to learn the spellings in class as well as having a weekly check up which is either on a Wednesday or a Thursday.

Term 3 Spelling Word Lists @H 2024-2025

Each week, we focus on a different aspect of maths fluency to develop and keep skills sharp. This term has seen the children work on the following skills:

Week 1: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.

Week 2: Add and subtract fractions with different denominators.

Week 3: Long division.

Being able to accurately recall your times tables, makes such a difference to the fluency, speed and accuracy of maths work Here is a handy photo which details why and where this skill is used:

Dear Parents and Carers.

Welcome back to the new school year. It’s been wonderful to see the children again and to hear all about their adventures during the summer. Mr Phillips, Mrs Langley and Mrs English. Mrs Langley teaches On Monday and Tuesday with Mr Phillips teaching Wednesday through to Friday. Please feel free to share successes and concerns about your children with the team.

At the time of writing, we are busy preparing for our upcoming extended visit to Mendip Outdoor Pursuits. Please keep checking Weduc for latest information.

Term 1 & 2 Overview of learning

Our first Learning Enquiry is “Why must we remember?” where we focus on the concepts of exploration (in the context of invasion) and power. During this enquiry, we will be investigating the mini enquiry questions

Why does conflict happen?

Why did the world wars happen?

Why do we wear poppies?

Why did the war change the face of Britain?

If we don’t learn from the mistakes of the past, how can we change the future?


In Maths this term we will be focussing on place value, calculation, working with large numbers, averages and drawing and working with shape.


Our ‘anchor text’ is the fabulous, ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ which will also link to many of the writing opportunities for the children. This book will also support our work throughout the curriculum and the mini enquiries detailed above.


In science, we study the circulation system in the human body and learn to recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way  their bodies function


Our RE focus explores who inspires us and how we can live before a unit on incarnation where the children are challenged to consider the question, ‘Was Jesus really the Messiah?’


Our PE lessons are on a Wednesday and Friday. The children are expected to come to school in their PE kits on those days. As the children are Year 6, they are also permitted to wear their leavers hoodies on PE days too. We will begin with tag rugby and hockey before the mid-term break with athletics and gymnastics up until Christmas.


In music lessons, we learn songs from World War 2 as well learning to compose some advanced rhythms.


Our art focus is primarily inspired by the works of Henry Moore and in particular, his shelter paintings..


In computing, we will explore computing systems and networks on the theme of Bletchley Park as well as learn more about the history of computers.

Prior to the summer break, all children were provided with logins for TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed. These apps can be found at these links.

We will reissue these to the children so that they can keep practising their skills.

Please remember that you can keep up to date with many aspects of our learning through our X feed @IPStAnnes (formerly Twitter) as well as Weduc and the class webpage.