Classes 2024-2025 -
Year 3 @ West Wick
Welcome to Year 3 @ West Wick
Class Teacher: Miss Ford
PPA Teacher: Mrs Butler
Support Staff: Mrs Adlam, Mrs Hall, Miss Pike, Miss Croom
Our PE Days are Tuesday and Thursday– children can come to school on those days wearing their PE kits.
Term Three Monday 6th January 2025– Friday 14th February 2025
Term Four Monday 24th February 2025 – Friday 4th April 2025
Spelling List —>Spellings Term 3 Weeks 8-14 Spellings Term 4 Weeks 15-20
This term our enquiry will be ‘How did people start to settle?’
We will begin by exploring settlements within our local area and looking for geographical reasons why people may have chosen to settle here in the past. As historians, we will then explore the Stone Age beginning with finding evidence to discover what life was like before people started to settle in one place and then learning how life changed in the Neolithic period as people moved from being nomadic hunter-gatherers to living in farming based communities. As geographers, we will explore the features of a Stone Age settlement, such as Skara Brae and Cheddar and decide which one we might have preferred to live in.
In English this term, we will be reading our anchor text ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. This is a classic and much-loved story which merges the genres of science fiction and fairy tales. We will be continuing to develop our retrieval and inference skills as well as exploring new vocabulary such as cogs, axel and furnace.
In our writing lessons, we will be learning the tale ‘The Stone Trolls’ by Dean Thompson and using it as a basis to create our own stories. We will be revisiting how to use expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and prepositions within our writing. Towards the end of term 3, we will also be exploring poetry by reading ‘The Journey Through the Stone Age’ and using it to innovate our own poems about the past..
In term 4, we will develop our understanding of reading non-fiction texts and learn more about the Stone Age by exploring ‘Skara Brae’ by Dawn Finch.
In our writing lessons, we will revisit writing to inform by creating a set of instructions based on ‘How to look after a pet mammoth’. We will then explore how to write a newspaper report and will create one based on the discovery of the Stone Age remains at Skara Brae.
We will develop our understanding of additive relationships and column addition where we will also further explore mental strategies for addition and subtraction calculations. We will then move on to exploring multiplication, focusing on developing rapid recall and confidence with the 2, 4 and 8 times tables and their related division facts.
In term 4, we will revisit standard written methods of calculating by exploring column subtraction and we will look at the relationship between addition and subtraction. We will then learn how to tell the time accurately to the nearest minute and explore different types of clocks such as digital, analogue and ones with Roman numerals.
Our RE Unit for this term is ‘Why do religious books and teachings matter?’. We will be exploring different religious writings and how believers take meaning from them, as well as looking at how we can express our own beliefs. We will look at how religious communities treat their religious texts and how they draw meaning from them. Finally, we will also explore how moral messages can be delivered through stories and how people can express their religious beliefs through their own stories. Our value in term 3: Friendship.
In term 4, our RE unit is ‘Salvation’. We will be exploring the different events in the Easter story and learning about how Christians celebrate Easter. Our value in term 4: Forgiveness.
In Science, we will learn about different food groups and the nutritional value of different types of food. We will learn what our bodies need to be healthy and we will be finding out about our main organs and the important role played by our skeletons. We will also learn about our muscles and how our skeletons change as we grow older.
In our PE sessions at school, we will develop our dynamic balance and coordination skills through netball and tag rugby. We will also be developing the cognitive cog – identifying areas for improvement in our work and being able to say what we are doing well.
Our Jigsaw unit for term 3 is ‘Dreams and Goals’. These sessions will allow the children to reflect on and express their dreams and ambitions. We will learn how to stay motivated and persevere when working towards our goals as well as how to overcome any obstacles. Finally, we will share our successes and celebrate what we have already achieved.
In term 4, our Jigsaw unit is ‘Healthy Me’. As part of this unit we will be finding out how to keep our bodies healthy and how to keep ourselves safe.
Term 1 and 2
Term One: Wednesday 4th September 2024 – Friday 18th October 2024
Term Two: Monday 4th November – Friday 20th December 2024
Spellings – For Term 1 we will be revising key spelling patterns and rules from KS1. A list will be sent home with your child each week and we will carry out a spelling check every Tuesday. In Term 2 we will then be working through the spelling list connected with spelling shed.
This term our enquiry will be ‘How has electricity impacted our lives?’
We will be exploring where electricity comes from, its journey to our homes and discovering how electricity has changed our lives and how we can use it safely. We will be learning how to construct a simple series electric circuit using switches, buzzers, bulbs and batteries. Do you know the difference between a battery and a cell? By working scientifically, we will investigate conductors, insulators, and bulb brightness. Lastly, we will learn how light travels and understand that darkness is the absence of light. Using this knowledge, we will be exploring the dangers of light, reflective materials and how shadows are formed.
In English this term, we will be reading ‘Too Small Tola’ by by Atinuke. This book includes three charming stories about a young girl who lives in a flat in Lagos, Nigeria. We will be learning to explore different cultures, compare lifestyles and reflect on how life is different around the world. We will be continuing to develop our retrieval and inference skills and upskilling our sequencing and order skills to ensure we are able to closely refer to the text. Fluency is our main focus this term, the children will use high quality text to practise these skills 4 times a week.
To start the year we are looking at the book ‘There’s only one you’ by Rosie Butcher. This book focus’ on each of us being unique. As a school we are focusing on a different part of the body that makes us unique. In Year 3 we will be exploring our noses. Through the text ‘ Genius Noses’ by Lena Anlauf and Vitali Konstantinov we will discover how animals noses are super special. As a result of our findings we will produce some art work in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. During our writing sessions, we will be exploring the Pie Corbett text ‘The Nightmare man’. We will be learning to write a suspense story using techniques such as show not tell, ellipses and dramatic connectives. Towards the end of term, we will be exploring the poem ‘Dark’ By James Carter identifying different poetic features, techniques and further developing our speaking and performance skills.
This term we will focus on mental arithmetic skills for addition and subtraction and our knowledge of place value. We will revisit number bonds to 10/20 and efficient strategies for adding and subtracting smaller amounts. We will then move onto consolidating our understanding of place value up to and including three digit numbers. We will be learning to count in hundreds and manipulate three digit numbers to secure our understanding. In addition to our daily lessons, there will be weekly arithmetic practice and an expectation that all children are fluent in their times table and division facts by the end of the year.
We will put our scientific skills to the test as we explore forces and magnets. We will explore new concepts such as friction and investigate how magnets attract and repel. As artists, we will study the work of Andy Warhol and the creation of Pop Art. We will be learning to identify warm and cold colours and how to create our very own paint palette.
Our first unit – ‘What is it like to follow God?’ asks us to think about the significance of God’s messages, his behaviour and lessons learnt through the teachings of the bible. We will begin to understand the importance of a covenant and the impact it has upon others. We will study the story of Noah and the Ark and explore the relationship between promises and actions. In reflection, we will consider the positive benefits of having a healthy relationship with God and how the teachings of God may make a difference to our lives today. Our whole school values are: Thankfulness (Term 1) and Respect (Term 2).
Our term one Jigsaw unit is ‘Being Me in My World’. These sessions will allow the children to learn and reflect on their place in both our community and the wider world. We will start by setting our whole school and class expectations before thinking about goals for the year ahead.
In Term 1, we will be developing our fundamental movement skills focusing on footwork, coordination and static one leg balances. We will also be swimming at Hutton Moor. In Term 2, we will explore different ways of travelling, balancing and creating rotations in our Real Gym lessons.