Classes 2024-2025 -

Year 2 @ West Wick

Term 3 – Monday 6th January – Friday 14th February 2025

Spelling Lists: Year 2 Term 3 Spelling Lists

Enquiry Two Knowledge Organiser

Term 3 Overview of Learning

What difference did Brunel make to Bristol?

This term we will be exploring a new enquiry all about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the engineering projects he worked on. We will explore Bristol in the past compared to now and will carry out some map work to learn about the key features of Bristol.

We will learn about Brunel’s achievements and what made him significant as well as the impact he had on transport in Bristol and the surrounding area.


This term, we will introduce the concept of multiplication and explore how to use equal groups to find multiples of a number. We will develop our confidence with counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10 and begin to understand how to record multiplication as equations using the multiplication symbol (x). We will also apply our multiplication skills to learn how to double and halve numbers.

English Reading

This term, we will continue to develop our decoding and reading fluency skills in our daily Phonics and Guided Reading groups.

In our whole class reading sessions, our focus text for this term will be the story of ‘Izzy Gizmo’ by Pip Jones and we will also read the sequel ‘Izzy Gizmo and the Invention Convention’. Our reading skills focus will be predicting, sequencing and developing our understanding of the vocabulary we are reading.

English Writing

Our writing this term will also be based around the story of ‘Izzy Gizmo’ and we will be carrying out some descriptive writing to describe the character of Izzy and some of her inventions. We will focus on adding detail using expanded noun phrases and will also learn how to use subordinate conjunctions such as because, when and until.

We will then be exploring some different machines inspired by Wallace and Gromit’s Cracking Contraptions and will be learning how to write an explanation text describing how a machine works.


In R.E we will be exploring ‘Why are some stories special?’. We will be learning all about the Bible and the Torah and why they are special to religious people. We will read some of the stories Jesus told his followers and how they helped teach people to lead a good Christian life.

Our value this term is ‘Friendship’.


Our science topic will be ‘Materials’. We will learn about different types of materials and their properties. We will carry out some investigations to explore and compare the properties of different materials and will explore how materials can be shaped and changed.


P.E days are Monday and Thursday. Please wear PE kit to school on these days. PE kits should be black shorts, trousers or skorts, a white St Anne’s logo t-shirt or plain white t-shirt and black or white trainers.

This term, we are exploring dance in our indoor PE lessons and ball skills in our outdoor lessons.


In computing this term, we will be learning about computer systems and networks with a focus on what computers are and how they work. At the end of the term, we will learn about how to stay safe online as part of Safer Internet Day.


In Music, we will be learning about musical structures. Using the theme of ‘myths and legends’ we will learn how to recognise, play and write rhythms using different beats. We will work in groups and pairs to create musical structures using different types of rhythms.


In term 2, we will be exploring the work of local artist Emily Ketteringham. We will look at her style of art and explore some of the techniques she uses to try and recreate our own artwork on key Bristol landmarks in a similar style.


This term’s unit is ‘Dreams and Goals’. We will discuss what our dreams are for the future and set ourselves some goals to work towards them.

Term 2 – Monday 4th November – Friday 20th December 2024

Spelling Lists: Year 2 Term 2 Spelling Lists

Enquiry One Knowledge Organiser

Term 2 Overview of Learning

What makes a habitat successful?

This term we are continuing exploring habitats and the plants and animals that live in them. We are focusing particularly on microhabitats and will be carrying out some geographical fieldwork to see what microhabitats we have around our school.

We have been learning about some significant individuals who were involved in botany and entomology and will be comparing their lives and accomplishments.


This term, we are continuing to explore how to add and subtract using mental strategies. We will be applying what we have learnt in term 1 to carry out calculations involving 2-digit numbers. We are aiming to become speedy mathematicians!
Later on in the term, we will introduce the concept of position and direction and will be looking at spotting patterns in shapes and images as well as learning how to give directions using positional language.

English Writing

In English this term, we are exploring information texts and learning how to write our own set of instructions based on ‘How to build a bug hotel’. We will be following the instructions to build our own bug hotels and then identifying the key features of a set of instructions and using these to create our own instructions for ‘How to make a butterfly friendly garden’.

As we get closer to Christmas we will be looking at the poem ‘The Christmas Pine’ by Julia Donaldson and learning how to perform poems that we have learnt by heart.

English Reading

We will be continuing working in focused phonics and guided reading groups four times a week. In our whole class reading we are further developing our reading skills to become fluent readers. We will also be focusing on exploring some non-fiction and fiction texts linked to animals and widening our vocabulary awareness.

We will also be reading ‘The Enchanted Wood’ by Enid Blyton as part of our daily whole class reading time.


In R.E we will continue to learn about what it means to belong to a religion. We will explore communion and other key aspects of Christianity and other world faiths.

Nearer to Christmas, we will explore the story of the Nativity and consider why and how Christians celebrate at this time of year.

Our value this term is ‘Respect.


Our science topic continues to be ‘Plants’ and ‘ Living things and their habitats’. We will be carrying out investigations into the types of minibeasts that can be found in our school grounds and will be learning about life cycles of animals, focusing on the life cycle of a butterfly. Later in the term, we will complete our living things focus by exploring some simple food chains.


P.E days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please wear PE kit to school on these days. PE kits should be black shorts, trousers or skorts, a white St Anne’s logo t-shirt or plain white t-shirt and black or white trainers.

This term, we are exploring dynamic balances and improving our coordination and footwork. We will have the opportunity to apply these skills in our weekly badminton lessons.


In computing this term, we will be learning how to use ‘Scratch’ to program and debug algorithms in order to create a successful program.


In term 2, we will be putting our scientific observation skills to the test to create realistic drawings of minibeasts. We will then learn about colour mixing and use these skills to paint our final versions.


This term’s unit is ‘Celebrating difference’. We will discuss all the ways we are unique and celebrate what makes us special. At the start of the term we will learn about how to ‘Choose Respect’ as part of this year’s Anti-bullying week.


Year 2 Term 1 Spelling Lists

Knowledge Organiser Term 1 & 2 What makes a habitat successful

Term 1 – Wednesday 4th September – Thursday 17th October 2024


Term 1 Overview of Learning


What makes a habitat successful?

This term we are going to have lots of fun investigating the question ‘What makes a habitat successful?’ First we will look at what living things need to survive with a focus on how plants grow and develop and the conditions they need to help them thrive. We will then begin exploring what a habitat is and learning about different types of habitats and the living things that can be found in them. We will have some exciting visitors who will talk to us about some of the habitats around our school sites and how we can ensure we create a diverse habitat for a range of interesting creatures and plants.


In Term 1 we will start with exploring numbers to 100 focusing on multiples of ten. We will look at different ways to represent these numbers and explore how to add and subtract using multiples of ten. We will then move on to carrying out calculations with numbers within 20. We will learn how to add three numbers to make a total within 20 and develop our addition and subtraction knowledge to bridge 10. Alongside our daily maths lessons, we will also practise our number fluency using the ‘Mastering Number’ program.

English Writing

In English this term, we will start with a whole school focus based on the book ‘There’s Only One You’. We will explore what makes us unique and each class has been asked to focus on one part of the body. Year 2 are focusing on hands and we will be reading, performing and creating our own versions of the poem ‘This is the hand’ by Michael Rosen.

We will then move on to developing our understanding of how sentences are constructed and how to add descriptive detail to our writing. We will complete a series of writing tasks based on our whole class reading text ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson.

English Reading

We will start the year by completing daily phonics sessions with a focus on developing our reading speed, accuracy and fluency in reading. This will also include a daily guided reading session where we will practise our reading and comprehension skills with an adult. We will also have a weekly whole class reading lesson. This term the text is ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson. We will also be reading ‘The Secret Garden’ by Frances Hodgson Burnett daily as a whole class to expose the children to a high quality text with rich vocabulary.


In R.E we discuss what it means to belong, through discussions about groups, clubs, families and religions and how these are important in our everyday lives.

Our value this term is ‘Thankfulness’.



Our science topic for these next two terms will be ‘Plants’ and ‘ Living things and their habitats’. We will be answering our learning enquiry questions through a range of investigations, where we will also learn how to observe closely, classify information and gather and record data.


P.E days are Monday and Thursday. Please wear PE kit to school on these days. PE kits should be black shorts, trousers or skorts, a white St Anne’s logo t-shirt or plain white t-shirt and black or white trainers.


In computing this term, we will be exploring the exciting world of stop motion animation. We will explore how stop motion animations are created using a series of images and will begin by creating our own flipbooks. We will then learn how to break a story down into parts to plan a stop motion animation and will learn how to record these using a series of photographs.


In term 1 we will learn about call and response in pieces of music with a focus on animals. We will learn how to use dynamics when creating sound and will have a chance to experiment with creating different sounds using an instrument. We will explore sound patterns and learn how to clap along with the pulse of a piece of music.


This term’s unit is ‘Being me in my world’. First we will consider our hopes for the year then we will consider how we can help ourselves and others to feel that we belong. We will consider how to ensure our classroom is a safe and fair place and we will learn about working cooperatively. We will have the opportunity to discuss how our choices and behaviour affect others.