Classes 2018-2019 Archives -

Year 4 @Hewish 2018-19

TERM 6 Week 5

The children have worked so hard all week and shown great attitudes towards learning. We have revisited multiplication and practised using the standard written method to multiply two or three digit numbers by a unit number. It was great to see the children pushing themselves to be accurate and apply their fluency to reasoning and problem solving.

In Religious Education we have been learning about Hinduism and our lesson this week was about Karma. The children made up their own games which showed that for every good action their is a positive outcome but that for every bad action their is a bad consequence.















TERM 6 Week 4

We have been busy being newspaper reporters writing about the amount of plastics and tiny microplastics  that the children found on their visit to the beach in Weston super Mare.  The children used all the features needed and some showed skills needed to be a reporter in the future.  The children are planning to write to  North Somerset Council to make them aware of the issue by using persuasive writing techniques.











TERM 6 Week 2

The crew have worked incredibly hard this week and we have seen some lovely artwork being produced. The children were introduced to use of tone to create interesting pictures of sea creatures.  Also this week the children have been poets in English and learned about different types of poetry.

Please click the links below to see Skye and Nadia’s artwork and Bella and Nadia’s poetry..

skye and nadia art          Bella and Nadia poetry

In Maths, we have been doing Geometry and learned about the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.  In addition, we have been practising our 6 and 7 times tables.

Our RE this week has been about Hinduism. We learned about the huge number of Hindu Gods and the reasons why Hindus would worship the different Gods at different times in their lifes.

Term 5  Week 5

We have been sculptors this week and have produced some lovely sea creatures which we are very proud of. The children loved working with the clay and painting their final pieces.

We have also finally finished our story writing and we are all so pleased to see the final draft published.














Term 5 Week 3

The children took part in a great session of different activities which included fencing and  lazer shooting. They all had an enjoyable time trying their best and had alot of fun.

In English, we we have finished reading our class text ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’.  It is a wonderful story of how a character experiences meeting people from different walks of life and the way that these people help the character to learn to love. Watch out for some beautiful writing as the crew begin their own stories next week.

In Maths, we have been learning to tell the time and learned to convert from analogue time to digital.  Keep practising at home with your child to support them in this.


Term 4 Week 6

We made it and what a busy last week for the year 4 Crew.  They have written fabulous balanced arguments about whether schools should have a school dog.

In maths we have tackled decimals which some found tricky but everyone really persevered and some even surprised themselves.

Our RE finished with doing some assessment tasks and then a lovely watercolour piece of Art to show what Easter is all about.













Term 4 Week 5

In English this week we are learning about balanced arguments and the children have been debating whether homework is good or bad.  We have also been presenting our book reviews which we wrote last week.  The children have really developed and are  using great oracy  skills.

In Maths we are doing a bit of revision and are making sure we are  all remembering past learning. So it has been subtraction and decimals and factors.  All the children have tried hard and persevered well.

In PE, we have learned  Tri- Golf and the skills needed to control and hit the ball where it’s meant to go have been more tricky than they thought it would be.

Please continue to support your child’s learning by practising times tables as often as possible and with spellings. It will help them so much.

Last week was assessment week and the children have been tested in year 4 in maths and reading via test papers. We also assess writing at this time.

Term  3 Week 2

The crew  have spent the week learning how to apply the skills and written methods learned for multiplication and division to solve word problems.  We were impressed with the way that many of the children persevered to find the solution to each problem.  Really is good to develop the right attitude towards all areas of learning.

In English, we have read more of the exciting Ice Palace and by Friday the children were  begging to hear the ending.  We have been thinking about the main character and how the author uses techniques to tell us the emotions he is feeling at different points in the story.  We have also learned about present and past tense verbs as well as the rather tricky present perfect tense.  Great fun was had dancing in the hall to act out a scene from the Ice Palace. See below for photos.

We had a visitor in class called Julian- the skeleton!  The children learned alot about the bones in the human body and learned that some animals do not have a backbone (invertebrates). Many of the crew were able to point to the skeleton and name several bones.

















TERM 3 Week 1

Happy New Year to all our families. I hope you had a wonderful time with your children and made wonderful memories. The children have shared news about their time over the break and I can tell they have all had a fabulous time.  Also,  I want to say a massive thank for the kind gifts I received for Christmas. I thoroughly enjoyed opening each of them and have managed to eat nearly all of the yummy chocolates now!

This week, we have started our new Learning Theme ‘ What Goes In…Must Come Out!’  This is a science based learning theme and in the link below you can find out what we will be doing in terms 3 and 4.

Y4@Hewish Term 3 and 4 Welcome Sheet and Learning Theme info

The children have learned this week how to group animals according to the types of foods which they eat; carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.  In Maths, they have learned how to divide two and three digit numbers using the standard written method ( we call it the bus stop method in class too). In English, we have focused on describing settings and characters based on the class text ‘Ice Palace’ by Robert Swindells.  Our spellings this week are homophones which can be tricky as they sound the same but have different meanings. Please support your child in understanding the meaning of each word. We have done this in class but extra help at home would be great.

Thank you all for your continued support.


IMG_0277  Click link to see us marching

TERM 2 Week 4

Our trip to Caerleon in Wales was fantastic and we learned so much about life as a Roman Soldier.  The children got to see the remains of the Roman Amphitheatre and a reconstructed Barracks room with all the soldiers’ beds and equipment, weapons and armour.  We also learned about the way the Romans brought so much to Britain such as writing and keeping clean by bathing!

TERM 2 Week 2

We have worked hard this week on our understanding of persuasive writing and had to use our imagination to unpick a letter from Claudius Maximus which was trying to persuade us to join the Roman army.

We also had great fun at being scientists and tested rocks of different types for different properties including their hardness and permeability.  We now understand why marble and granite are used in kitchen worktops sometimes, 







TERM 2   Week 1

Welcome back! The year 4 crew have been learning about multiplication this week and mastering different ways to represent it.  They have written playscripts based on the book ‘Ug – Boy Genius of the Stone Age and had fun acting out their scripts. They also learned how to use apostrophes for contractions and for possession.

We also had a special visit from a war veteran, Rob French who shared his experience, understanding and the importance of Remembrance day. It was lovely to see the Year 4 Crew deepen their understanding by asking Rob inquisitive questions. Thank you to those children who also wore their various uniforms on Friday – you all looked great.

As part of our Learning Theme we all had a go at Stone Age cave drawings using charcoal. They looked fabulous and the children are keen to try a second or third draft next week.

In PE, we had a fantastic gymnastics coach who put the children through their paces, making them work super hard to use the correct techniques for rolling, jumping and landing.


Learning to land properly














The children have been mastering the written method for subtraction and working hard on their 3 and 4 times tables.  We have finished writing some amazing non -chronological reports about the Vikings which the class worked on in teams of experts in different aspects of Viking life. They then presented this work orally as a team as if they were TV presenters. In addition they have been learning about the Iron Age era  and have discovered that life in a hillfort was tough. Children had lots of jobs and worked hard as part of the family.

TERM 1 WEEKS 4 and 5

It has been a busy two weeks. Our Maths lessons have included learning how to use the written method to add 3 and 4 digit numbers and solve problems by applying skills learned. In English we have finished Viking Quest stories which are excellent and it was good to see children using their imaginations to create their version of Erik the Viking.

We have introduced the children to a great online website called TT Rockstars which will be a fun way to learn their times tables so please can you encourage  your child to use this as much as they can. They have been given login details which have been stuck into their partnership book.


We have made Viking longboats too which look amazing. Great teamwork was seen to achieve the end goal. Here are a few of our boats.


TERM 1 – Weeks 1 -3 

 Our learning theme has been interesting and the children have experienced what it might be like to be an archaeologist with their own dig to find artefacts and puzzles hidden in sand.  Great fun!  We have had visitors who taught us lots about the Viking invasion of England and why they were successful.  The children learned how to write their names in Viking Runes and had fun pretending to be a warrior on a ship blowing the horn to let people know they had arrived.  We know where the Vikings came from and where they settled and are finding out more about their long boats this week.

In English we have started The Saga of Erik and the Vikings which we are using to write our very own versions of Viking quest stories. The children enjoyed creating their own idea of a ferocious beast that would attack them as Viking warriors on their voyage across the seas. Do ask your child about his/her story.  Spelling tests are every Friday morning and hopefully your child has come home with spellings to learn. 

In Maths we have been learning all about place value and the working on developing their understanding of numbers up to 10,000 and have learned about rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 or 1000 among other things.

In Religious Education, we have been learning about the story of Creation . We have drawn some lovely pictures about nature  as well as taking time to reflect on what we can learn about God from looking at some of the most stunning and beautiful things in nature.











We also learned how archeaologists work and how they piece together things that they find.




Image result for inspirational quotes for kids

Hello and thank you for visiting the YEAR 4 at Hewish class page.  

Welcome back everyone. I really hope that you all had a wonderful summer with your children and that they are ready and eager to return to school.  We have had a good first week where we spent time getting to know each other and I have introduced the class to our new  whole school rules based on the value of respect.

Respect yourself

Respect others

Respect the environment

Nice and simple and should be easy to remember. Please use the link below to find out information about the Learning for Terms 1 and 2.

I  see the journey of a child’s education as a partnership between parents and teacher and I look forward to working with you all to achieve the best outcomes possible for your children.  I hope to see as many of you as possible at your child’s Learning Review meeting in October but in the meantime should you wish to ask any questions please do pop in or email me .

Welcome Sheet and Learning Theme info 2