Children -
Children’s Worship
‘Do we settle for the world as it is, or do we work hard for the world as it should be?’ Michelle Obama
What is Children’s Worship at St. Anne’s?
Our weekly school Children’s Worship groups are made up of children from year groups one to six and give the children an opportunity to share their views and opinions whilst discussing our Church Values and how these connect with common world issues, nationally recognised days and occasions and recent news . The children have the opportunity to share their voice on important topics in small, familiar groups and work with our school leaders to make suggestions to improve our school.
Our Children’s Worship groups are brilliantly led my members of the Year Six crew who both prepare and deliver sessions each Tuesday. This responsibility helps to develop their leadership and oracy skills, whilst ensuring our Church Values are fully embedded in school life with all children having the opportunity to discuss, debate and explain.
Within a session, the Year Six leaders will welcome the group and light three candles to represent God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit before sharing the focus for discussion. Across the term, there are opportunities for the children to speak, draw and write their responses, as well as looking at how their ideas can support the community and wider world. The session finishes with quiet reflection time and a prayer.
Children’s Worship sessions focus on our termly Church Values but also incorporate national events where appropriate.
Term 1: Thankfulness (including thanks for our school community)
Term 2: Trust (including Remembrance and Anti-Bullying Week)
Term 3: Perseverance