About Us -
Learning Mentors and Family Support
Mrs Few is our school’s Family Support Advisor and Learning Mentor @Hewish and Miss Hockey is our Family Support Advisor and Learning Mentor @West Wick (Mon -Thurs am). Mrs Atkinson will be working alongside Miss Hockey at West Wick on Thursday afternoons and Fridays.
They can work with small groups and/or with individual children depending on the child’s specific needs. They are all ELSA and THRIVE trained and available to meet with parents and carers to discuss any social and emotional issues which they feel may be affecting their child’s ability to learn. Appointments can be arranged via the school offices.
Mrs Few is also available most mornings and afternoons at the Hewish school gate and Miss Hockey and Mrs Atkinson are at the West Wick gate if you would like to arrange a meeting.
Positive Parenting, Care for the Family is a national charity and Weston Super Mare are very fortunate to have trained volunteers to run their courses. Locking Castle Church has run these courses for many years and their feedback shows that parents have found the advice and support invaluable. The next course, ‘Handling Anger in the Family’, is starting on Monday 20th January 12.30-2.30pm at Locking Castle Church. It is 4 sessions long over the consecutive Mondays and is free with donations accepted.
We wanted to remind you that there are currently THREE fabulous Parenting Villages running across North Somerset with a fourth in the pipeline!
The Parenting Village is a parent support group run by the Family Wellbeing Parenting Team. The drop-in is a relaxed and friendly place where parents, parenting specialists and professionals from a range of services such as Family Support Workers, the ROTH team, Supporting Family Connections team, UK Resettlement Team, SEND Parent/carer Liaison Officer and not forgetting our fantastic parents who truly are the biggest support.
We will all be on hand to offer support, a listening ear, advice, and signposting. Parents can also find further information about the advanced parenting groups and how these might help to support them.
Parents of children of all ages welcome, Free refreshments. Free to attend.
The Parenting Villages run as follows:
- The 1st Friday of every month, Castle Batch Children’s Centre, Bishop Avenue, Worle, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 7PQ, 09:30 – 11:00
- The 2nd Tuesday of every month, Oldmixon Family Centre, Monkton Avenue, Weston-super-Mare BS24 9DA, 09:30 – 11:00
- The 3rd Monday of every month, Clevedon Children’s Centre, The Barn, Great Western Road, Clevedon BS21 6HB, 11:00 – 12:30
Hub of Hope
The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It is provided by national mental health charity, Chasing the Stigma, and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS mental health support and services together in one place for the first time.
If you are here then it is likely that you, or someone you care about, is experiencing mental and emotional distress that – right now – feels unbearable and overwhelming.
Since we all experience some kind of mental or emotional distress at some point in our lives, the Hub of Hope is really for everyone.
My Family Coach
At St Anne’s Church Academy, we use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour.
My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.
Care for the family
Resources to support all aspects of family life from parenting, marriage and bereavement to further support from our CareLine team. There is specialist support for parents raising children with additional needs and our Top Tips leaflets are downloadable and a great place to start with clear practical advice on many areas of family life. These resources are helpful for parents with children at any age.
Tantrums can be frustrating, but remember to take 5. Stop and breathe. Children respond to how we react, which can affect their behaviour in the future. So try to react calmly. Understand and accept your child’s anger. You’ve got this!
Enjoy listening to some of our favourite stories on Google Classroom, including ‘The Colour Monster’ story read by two of our brilliant Year 6’s.
Take 2 minutes to check in with how you’re feeling today. Feelings come and go – What colour would you be today? I’d be bright yellow with splashes of green and sprinkles of pink!
June 2020
Follow the link below and check out the ‘Top ten tips’ on supporting your child through change:
top-ten-tips-poster – Change Transition
‘Empathy Day’ (09/06/20)
‘The Empathy Lab’ have a wide range of activities and selection of books around empathy. Enjoy and explore the family activity pack or listen to an author read short stories and poems around empathy. Empathy and kindness are vital every day but even more so during these challenging times. Let’s all try wearing other people’s shoes for a while.
Check them out and get involved!
May 2020
Here is a booklist about feelings/worries/anxieties which are all linked to YouTube so children can listen to them during school closures.
How Big Are Your Worries Little Bear? by Jayneen Sanders
KS1/FS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2eLPah7fDs
The Colour Monster Anna Llenas
KS1/FS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih0iu80u04Y
While we can’t hug Eoin Mclaughlin
KS1/FS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tarq5nkkGlk
KS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PnnFrPaRgY
Ruby’s worry Tom Percival
KS1/FS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWS0Q5oCUNE
The huge bag of worries Virginia Ironside
KS1/FS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbcswBYnmeQ
Too many pants Ruth Drury
KS1/FS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFXrnREQWAQ
Everybody worries
KS1/FS /KS2 https://en.calameo.com/read/000777721945cfe5bb9cc…
Hey Warrior by Karen Young
The first clip is a short video explaining anxiety in a child friendly way. The second link is the story.
KS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzhka72RV30
KS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE4_FH2ySQo
When My Worries Get Too Big by Kari Dunn Buron
KS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7WlYQ7RMZw&t=10s
What to do when you worry too much by Dawn Huebner
KS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOJMPt0NVYA
Is a worry worrying you by Ferida Wolfi
KS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc3ioOeSHbQ
A Little Spot of Anxiety by Diane Alber
KS2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cISEuzriLI
I’m calm by Jayneen Sanders
KS1/FS https://e2epublishing.info/im-calm-uk-english-version
We explored different sensations and feelings in today’s sensory session using foam and slime. ‘It is so cold and gooey and it makes me feel very relaxed’.
A super session this afternoon with some year 4 and 5 children exploring our emotions, they enjoyed this particular task which was to search for some letters in the cold spaghetti to make different feelings.
January 2020
Children have enjoyed exploring our new book, ‘The Colour Monster’ which looks at many different feelings and what happens when they get a little mixed up.
“I feel loved when I have cuddles with Mummy”.
“I felt a bit red this morning but now I’m feeling yellow because I played with my friends”.
“When I feel red, there are parts of my that feel green”.
“If I am feeling a bit sad then I can talk with my friends or my teachers and then I feel a bit happier”.
Worle Carol Concert – December 2019
We had a great morning at WCSA with a group of children watching their Christmas Carol Concert – “That was amazing – I would like to do that”.
Children In Need – November 2019
So lovely to see our children and adults wearing their ‘spots’ today to support Children in Need!
November 2019 – ‘Odd sock day’ for Anti bullying week
Some of our ‘odd socks’ in the staff room today! Thank you to everyone who supported today by wearing odd socks.
November 2019 – Weston Horticultural Society
We have been awarded silver in the wheelbarrow competition – what a great achievement. Well done to all involved. I hope you have all enjoyed admiring our wheelbarrow of blooms over the summer and autumn months.
October 2019 – Apple trees
Our beautiful apple trees have been planted to create our Jill Dando orchard. Thank you to all involved.
October 2019 – PTFA donation
Thank you to St Anne’s PTFA for the lovely donation of flowers for our planters at the front of our school. We think our planters look much happier now! The children enjoyed planting these.
October 2019 – Half Term ideas
Autumn is the best season to wrap up warm and get outside! The Woodland Trust have great ideas to keep children busy and engaged during half term – all for FREE too!
October 2019 – World Mental Health Day
Tonight, we are gaining further insight in supporting some of our children & families.
September 2019 – Gardening
Our gardeners enjoyed harvesting their beautiful pumpkin’s and collecting seed heads ready for the spring. A great game of football was had with the year 6’s from Hewish today! Another great lunchtime.
July 2019 – Summer holidays
We hope that everyone has an enjoyable and safe summer. We have attached something you keep you all busy and we look forward to seeing you all back in September.
July 2019 – The judges have arrived!
The judges from Weston Horticultural Society came to judge our ‘Nature’ wheelbarrow today. The children have done a great job of making it look beautiful! “I liked making the bees because we could make them really colourful”.
Pre-Loved school uniform
We have pre-loved, good quality school uniform (including brand new uniform) at both Hewish and West Wick. All donations go to our charity of the year, In Charley’s Memory. Please speak to Miss Hockey (@WW) and Mrs Few (@H) if you have any questions.
June 2019 – Children’s Mental Health Awareness – Parent/Carer Forum
June 2019
Some interesting discussions after using our ‘confidence cookies’ during a group today!
June 2019 – ‘Beach School’
A super afternoon with lots of teamwork skills followed by a yummy drink on Weston beach, thank you to Bournville Primary School for the use of your superb beach hut! We created beach art, took part in team games and ended our session with a mindfulness activity and a drink. Lots of positive feedback from our children.
May 2019 – SATS breakfast club
SATS breakfast club day 3, cereals, fruit & toasters at the ready!
CASCADE Workshop – September 2018
We both attended the Mental Health Services and School Links workshop (Cascade) during September, this was a great opportunity to discuss mental health support in the local area and was run by the Anna Freud Centre – we are looking forward to attending part 2 of this during October 2018.
Understanding the Gap Conference – April 2018
We were privileged to be invited to attend the above conference. We attended the first conference of this kind back in October, and we were delighted to be asked back, to share our case study again with other schools and professionals in and around the Somerset area.
The day was a unique opportunity to hear the findings of substantial research which will impact on the decision making processes for the children living in poverty and on Pupil Premium in our school.
- During the course of the day, we gained valuable information to feed back to school and got us thinking about the most effective ways to impact on progress, aspirations and achievements of children in poverty.
- We looked at other case studies and had further discussions around these with other primary, secondary, special schools and extended services and talked about the positive impact they are having.
- We met Professor Tess Ridge OBE, FAcSS, Professor of Social Policy at the University of Bath who was one of the guest speakers.
Ice Skating trip – 5.12.17 Term 2
We were really lucky to be given the opportunity of taking some of our children ice skating at Icescape @The Tropicana during Term 2. We had our lunch at school before we left and made our way into Weston. Once we arrived, the children and adults were given their ice skates and there was a lot of excitement!
Every child had a go and showed a huge amount of kindness, perseverance and determination, it was really tricky to start with and took us all a while to get used to it – some of the children happily pushed the others around the rink on a ‘seal aid’ and all had a truly wonderful afternoon! Here are a small selection of the many photos taken!
Positive Behaviour Tickets – Term 1 (2017)
The children @Hewish joined up with the children @West Wick to create some bird feeders, they then had a cup of hot chocolate and cream and finished off the session by creating some indoor woodland art – we had a super afternoon!
Positive Behaviour Tickets – Term 4
This term, the children across both campuses enjoyed making Easter nests 🙂
A big thank you to Mrs Hookham for helping out!
Love to Read – March 2017
Our new lunchtime ‘Love to Read’ club started this term and is going really well – I wanted to offer the children a quiet, comfy place to enjoy reading and to also give them the opportunity to share and discuss their books with other children. We offer a book ‘takeaway’ – the children can choose a book from the selection to takeaway, share at home with their families and bring back to swap once finished, there is also a basket of cushions & blankets that the children can use these to make themselves comfy and snug whilst enjoying the session.
‘Love to Read’ runs every Thursday lunchtime @Hewish and all children from Reception right up to year 6 are invited to attend. It is wonderful to see some of the older children read with the younger ones, and to see the children immersed in their books.
The feedback I have received from the children is extremely positive and we currently have 30-40 children attend each week! Huge thanks to Mrs Binns for helping with the club and allowing us to use her classroom 🙂
We also plan to do some themed sessions, so watch this space!
Positive Behaviour Tickets – Term 3 – February 2017
This term, the children all enjoyed decorating gingerbread people – they used lots of edible sparkles, decorations, sweets and icing 🙂
Well done to you all!
Positive Behaviour Tickets – Term 2 – December 15th 2016
Today I met with the children from both Hewish and West Wick and created reindeer’s from candy canes – the children had a great time and they had fun naming them!
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas! Mrs Few
Children in Need – November 18th 2016
We were lucky enough to have Pudsey Bear visit us for Children in Need this week! The children also got involved in face painting, creating Pudsey biscuits at FAB club and managed to raise lots of money for Children in Need 🙂
Children in Need – w/c 14th November 2016
We have lots of exciting things planned this week to help raise money for Children in Need. The staff will be doing some ‘dotty’ face painting on the children and we are having a dress down day (wear something dotty!). For FAB club this week the children will be decorating ‘Pudsey biscuits’ and on Thursday we have a very special visitor coming into school…watch this space!
NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme
I was really excited to work with the NSPCC, the UK’s leading children’s charity, who have delivered their Speak out. Stay safe. programme to all of our KS1 and KS2 children across both sites during term 1. This is a nationwide programme for every primary-school-aged child in the UK and Channel Islands. With the help of their friendly mascot Buddy, they visited us and presented an assembly to the children in our school, as well as a workshop for Years 5 and 6 at the beginning of term 2.
They were very worthwhile and empowering sessions for both pupils and teachers and the NSPCC’s work in schools will help encourage conversations about staying safe.
If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/
Forest School – 2016/2017
September 12th 2016
This week was our first week back at Forest School in the new academic year, we have joined both of our year 2 classes from both campuses, and I am very much looking forward to some more outdoor adventures with them all!
Please do have a look at the ‘Forest School’ area of the website and Facebook/Twitter which are updated regularly with photos.
Anti-Bullying Celebration Event – February 11th 2016
St Anne’s were proud to be invited to bring a group of pupils to St Mark’s Primary School to showcase their work and any performance they had created to support Anti-Bullying Week 2015.
I took along one of our Parliament groups to represent St Anne’s and they performed the ‘rap’ they had created during Anti-Bullying week back in November. They all did exceptionally well and we all enjoyed seeing the other schools performances.
At the end we were presented with a certificate to take back to school. A super afternoon was had by us all!
Forest School @Hewish – January 14th 2016
This week was our first week back to Forest School @Hewish after Christmas – although it was a chilly day, the children wrapped up warm and enjoyed a super session!
After our ‘check in’ the children were given 27 pictures of items they may (or may not!) need if they were stranded in the forest…they had to work together as a team and use their skills to decide which of the items they should keep to survive! I was really impressed with some of the suggestions and they all worked well together.
After lots of discussion they managed to keep just 10 essential items! Fantastic team work!
Forest School @Hewish – December 3rd 2015
A rather windy and cold Forest School @Hewish this week but that didn’t stop us creating some wonderful twig star decorations out of willow!
The children enjoyed working together to create their stars and were really proud of their efforts, Floyd said that everyone used ‘perseverance’ in making them as sometimes fixing the twigs together was a little tricky – well done year 3 and 4!!
Anti-Bullying Special Assembly – November 21st 2015
I was so impressed watching the children perform their anti-bullying presentations and loved each and every one of them – they have all worked incredibly hard and the standard of each and every presentation was superb!
Thank you to our year 6 Parliament captains for your help in organising the groups so well.

The children in this group all sang a song about bullying – they used musical instruments to help with the rhythm.
Anti-Bullying Week – November 16th-21st 2015
I am really pleased to be a part of the North Somerset Anti- Bullying Champions, which is made up of colleagues supporting anti-bullying. All schools have recently been invited to take part in the focus of National Anti-Bullying Week which is to ‘make a noise about bullying’ .
During the last couple of weeks , the children have been using their Parliament sessions to come up with their own ways to make a noise about bullying ready for a special school assembly during anti-bullying week. I am really looking forward to these and hope to share some of them on the website and on the Facebook page so please keep a look out!
Forest School @Hewish
Following the success of our Year 2 children attending Forest School, we are now in a position to offer the children in years 3-6 to take part in Forest School Activities during the coming weeks.
Forest School is an inspirational process that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a natural environment.
We will continue to update the website and Facebook pages with photos so please remember to keep checking in!
Mrs Few