About Us -

Contact Details

Please direct all enquiries  to our Principal Emma Hardy-Smith: mailbox@saca.theplt.org.uk  or Emma.hardysmith@saca.theplt.org.uk

Chair of Governors – Mrs Kate Sargent – Kate.Sargent@saca.theplt.org.uk – Address: c/o St Anne’s Church Academy @ West Wick

SENCO – Mrs Di Martin – diane.martin@saca.theplt.org.uk


St Anne’s @Hewish
Bristol Road
North Somerset
BS24 6RT

Telephone: 01934 832159


St Anne’s @West Wick
1 Scot Elm Drive
West Wick
North Somerset
BS24 7JU

Telephone: 01934 520461

Requests for copies:  Parents, please ask in the school office if you require any of our website information on paper or translated.

Our campuses are 5 minutes away from each other



The Priory Learning Trust

Students First, Cherishing Staff


01934 511411

The Priory Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07698707.

Registered office address: Priory Community School, Queensway, St George’s, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, BS22 6BP