Curriculum & Assessment -
“St Anne’s Church Academy is a happy and welcoming school. The school’s ethos, ‘learning without limits’, is woven through everything that the school does.”
“Pupils are wonderful ambassadors for the school. Pupils thoroughly enjoy school and are keen to succeed. Staff have consistently high expectations of pupils. As a result, pupils listen carefully and work hard.”
“Staff know pupils and their families well. Adults care deeply about pupils and want the best for them. Staff are sensitive to pupils’ needs and form friendly and supportive relationships with them. Pupils feel safe because they trust adults to look after them.”
“The overwhelming majority of parents are very pleased with the school. Typical comments include, ‘I could not be happier with the school,’ and ‘Our children thrive here.’”
Parent and Carer Feedback
As a school we value feedback from all members of our community. As parents and carers, your views are important to us, and will help us to grow and develop to offer the best possible opportunities for all.
Thank you to everyone that completed the short Ofsted Parent View survey recently. Please note that this survey is completely anonymous, so we are not able to respond directly to any comments that were left. If you do need an answer to any queries, please contact the school directly.
We are incredibly proud of our latest Ofsted report from May 2022 10231299 – St Anne’s Church Academy – 145631 – Final PDF