Classes 2018-2019 Archives -
Year 6 @Hewish 2018-19
“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.”
Welcome to the Year Six Crew 2018-2019.
Please use the link below to view a video blog regarding supporting children through the process of transition to Secondary school.
Please see the link below for Term 5 and 6 Learning Theme (this also contains important Y6 dates for your diary).
Learning Theme overview for parents T5&6
Term 6 Week 7
We ended our final full week of Year Six with a fantastic performance last night. We are so proud of the children and how far they have come. They showed amazing acting, singing and dancing skills and entertained their families very well indeed.
Thank you to all families who have supported the school over the past years their children have been here. For those of you moving on from St Anne’s completely, we wish you every happiness for the future.
Have a great summer,
Mrs Webb, Mrs Coulton and Mrs English
Term 6 Week 6
We have had a fantastic week continuing our learning about Africa through our text, ‘Journey to Jo Burg’ as well as our geography work. We had a visit from PCSO Marie and PC Paul to talk to the children about crime and consequence. The children were quite shocked to find out that at the age of 10, they are now responsible for their choices and actions and must take great care, especially when making decisions as they move on to their next step in life.
Our play rehearsals continue to grow in strength and we are really excited to share our production with you next week. As part of our final PSHE session on changes, the children decorated T shirts with memories of St Anne’s.
Term 6 Week 5
We can’t believe we are mere weeks away from the end of term but we are still super busy in the Y6 Crew. We continue with our class book ‘Journey to Jo’Burg’ to support our African learning this term, where children are demonstrating excellent reading skills. In maths, we are brushing up on skills such as using a protractor and measuring scales in order to prepare fully for the challenges of Year 7. With our production only two weeks away, please continue to support your children in learning their lines and songs.
Your child will be bringing home an order form for their final photographs of Primary School – see the amazing class photos below!
Term 6 Week 4
It’s been an action-packed day today in Year 6. We had a visit from two maths teachers from Worle Secondary School who taught us a lesson in topology. The children really enjoyed the practical ‘magic maths’. The quote for the day was from Sophie Robertson who said, ” I’m going to do it again just for the fun of it!” Ask them to demonstrate it at home – it really was amazing.
Straight after our maths lesson we took part in an African Drumming Workshop. The class were taught African rhythms and had to really hone in their listening and repeating skills. They performed a round of drumming with each group performing a different beat. Impressive stuff.
Term 6 Week 3
We began our week with a blocked two days of super science and our crew have been really engaged. They have worked together fantastically to investigate the viscosity of a variety of liquids before solving a real life science problem with a context. Check out Sophie’s learning journey below.
The crew especially enjoyed wearing lab coats to feel like real scientists and have enjoyed the practical nature of the tasks – our classroom ended up covered in wallpaper paste and so did some of our students! We saw some excellent approaches to practical science, with some groups allocating specific jobs to individuals whilst others used notes to ensure accuracy in their results.
Term 6 Week 2
This week our Y6 crew have enjoyed thinking deeply about evolution – see Mrs Coulton’s notes from the children’s thinking below.
We have also continued to improve our writing, this week as journalists, reporting some of the strange happenings of animals in the local area! Maths has made an appearance again after a few weeks away and the crew have explored tessellation of 2D shapes through some arty activities.
Term 6 Week 1
Wow! We are now on the final countdown to the end of Primary School for our wonderful Y6 Crew. This has not, however, stopped the amazing attitudes to learning. This week we launched our learning theme, ‘African Adventure’ and children have challenged stereotypes as well as produced some beautiful maps. SATs may be long behind us but we are still improving as writers. Our fantastic displays below show the beautiful Tingatinga art coupled with children’s poems depicting the strengths and beauty of their chosen animal.
Term 5 Week 5
What a beautiful end to the term with a fantastic last Sports Day for our Year Six crew. This has been such a busy term and the children have worked incredibly hard. Despite SATs being over, our children have spent the week honing their writing skills, writing in role as two differing animals to complain about the conditions of the safari park in which they live. We’ve seen some amazing editing skills, use of vocabulary and control in voice. Well done Y6. One more term to go!
Term 5 Week 4
Well we survived SATs week… the Y6 crew were amazing and we are so proud of them. As expected, they immediately shifted back into their usual learning and have so far produced some amazing second drafts of images inspired by African artist, Edward TingaTinga. To accompany these, we have also written our own spine poems, focusing on 10 key nouns and building powerful vocabulary around it.
Term 5 Week 3
Another fantastic week brings us closer to SATs week – all of our children have worked incredibly hard over the past year and especially over the past few weeks and are itching to show of their skills. Please ensure that they get a good rest this weekend and are in school on time next week!
This week we have been scientists, musing about the moon. We wrote about what we know, what we thought and what we’d heard and then studied the moon phases. Below are some examples of some beautifully presented understanding.
Term 5 Week 2
These photos don’t show our crew doing the most exciting thing this week but this is where the hard work is. They have done two rounds of ‘mock’ assessments this week in order to prepare them fully for SATs week in terms of adult support, layout of the classroom and what to expect. The crew have approached this fantastically, supporting each other and working so hard to showcase and apply their knowledge and skills gained over the past four years of KS2. Well done Y6 Crew; we are very proud of you!
Also this week, we wrote the ending to an African story, used our super science thinking skills to answer tricky question, ‘does the sun move?’ and have even managed some athletics practice for our upcoming Sports Day. Phew!
Term 5 Week 1
Welcome back to a very busy term ahead! We started our new science topic, ‘Earth and Space’ this week so you should be hearing your children rapping about the planets in their spare time; we apologise for that! We are also busy honing our skills ready for the upcoming SATs. Please keep using those revision guides; they are only useful for another two weeks now and we will not be using them post-SATs so the more you complete now, the better equipped you’ll be.
We continue to be impressed by the standard of writing from the Y6 crew – hopefully next week, we will have some published versions of our reviews of ‘Boy in the Tower’ to share with you.
Term 4 Week 6
We can’t believe it is the end of our fourth term but here we are. The crew completed their maths curriculum today with a fantastic week of translating and reflecting shapes in the four quadrants. They have also blown us away with their thoughtful comments when appraising images linked to the Easter Story. We have also completed our Replay narratives which really showcase the fantastic writing skills of our eldest children.
Today we have had another delivery; two more SATs buster books have been purchased for the children to aid them with revision over the next 5 weeks leading up to their assessments. Please encourage them to do ten minutes a day – every little helps!
Another busy week in the Y6 Crew with lots of work on descriptive writing, inspired by our visual literacy, Replay as well as consolidating learning in grammar. We enjoyed a fantastic afternoon in the sun presenting the last piece of learning of our World War Two theme this term and had a very grown up discussion about the pros and cons of sacrificing the few for the many in the context of the atomic bombs used by American on Japan to signal the end of the war.
Term 4 Week 5
We have had another fantastic week of learning, focusing on the final stages of WW2 and finding out about some of the horrific things that happened to people around the World. Our children have approached this learning with maturity and respect, demonstrating excellent empathy.
Term 4 Week 4
This week we have been tackling assessments across the school and we have been particularly impressed with the Y6 Crew. Many children have demonstrated that they can apply the skills they have learned in new situations, which means it has been fully understood.
Also this week, the crew continued their Anderson shelters, made using a design from another group. They collaborated fantastically and created some fabulous structures!
Term 4 Week 3
Another busy week for the crew which ended in some fantastic diary writing, inspired by our trip last week. Clayton’s, below, depicts the terrifying experience of spending the night in a public shelter following an air raid.
Also this week, the crew continued to tackle REAL PE, a new scheme we are currently trying out. Today’s activities involved levels of challenge to take them through a warm up where the had to move through different gears, recalling moves and ways of travelling.
Term 4 Week 2
What a fantastic day we had at Swindon Steam. The crew took part in a whopping 5 workshops as part of their ‘We’ll Meet Again’ day. They experienced first hand (as much as they could) what it was like to spend time in an air raid shelter, be evacuated away from home and what life was like working on the trains. We explored the role of Women in the 1940s and played with some ‘of the times’ toys! Well done Y6 Crew.
Term 4 Week 1
Sorry for the radio silence last week; the website was being updated! We had a great start to Term 4 by tackling ratio in maths, continuing our gripping class text, ‘The Boy in the Tower,’ and writing some beautiful descriptions about evacuees. We are really looking forwards to our Reading Week next week as well as our exciting role-play based secret trip…
Term 3 Week 5
This week we were finally able to celebrate our NSPCC Number Day. Y6 enjoyed the Fermi Problems (ask your child all about them) that involved calculating how much spaghetti they could all eat as a class (it really is rather a lot) and setting themselves challenging open-ended questions relating to World War Two. Some even calculated how many metres of blackout material was used during the 11 week-long bombing of The Blitz.
Also this week, children have considered Internet Safety, looking particularly at the concept of ‘permission’. Please talk to your children about this at home.
Term 3 Week 4
We have been continuing our learning about the Holocaust in Year 6 this week. We read and analysed a poem by a Holocaust victim called Elie Wiesel and then used this to inspire our own poetry. Mrs English and I were blown away by the sensitivity, maturity and beauty with which the children expressed themselves. We are very proud indeed. We hope you enjoy reading the selection of poems below. If you would like to read your child’s poem please pop in and have a look – they were all of superb quality.
Children have also been given the chance to wear our new focus bands during school time. These are designed to help them channel their mind when the need to fiddle arises.
Term 3 Week 3
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin
We had an exciting delivery on Tuesday in Year 6 – two boxes full of beautiful, brand-new books! The children were so enthusiastic about their new books that nearly everyone had a new book to read for our ERIC (everyone reading in class) session. J,K Rowling is quoted as saying “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book” and that certainly will not be happening in year 6 anymore! Mrs Webb, Mrs English and I cannot wait to get stuck in too…
Also this week, the crew have enjoyed learning discussion skills. Everyone participated in a discussion about the laws imposed upon the Jews during WW2 and some extremely thoughtful and confident points were made.
Term 3 Week 2
Our WW2 learning theme is well underway and children have enjoyed exploring invasion tactics through learning about geography. Later in the week, they researched the prolonged bombing of London known as The Blitz and even experienced an air raid for themselves!
Also this week, children have continued their writing topic of formal letters. Today the crew used oracy skills to improve their vocabulary and sentence structure whilst imagining they were being interviewed over the telephone for a position in a spy organisation.
Term 3 Week 1
The crew have come back with a fantastic learning attitude; they really enjoyed learning about the start of WW2 and who the main protagonists were. We even listened to two very different speeches from famous British Prime Ministers. Below is an example of the fantastic presentation of learning we have seen so far.
The crew enjoyed aerobics on Monday and today began learning key skills for hockey.
Term 3
Welcome to 2019. We have a busy and exciting term ahead centered around our new topic ‘What made the World turn?’ which focuses on Britain since the 1930s. We will be studying the Second World War and children have been encouraged to contact relatives who may have been involved in the war or have memories of growing up in a post War society. We look forwards to hearing from you.
Happy New Year!
Term 2 Week 7
This week has seen a fantastic end to the term with our Y6 Crew performing beautifully at our Carols by Candlelight service on Thursday night. They shared Bible readings, small group singing and two of our own compared the service also. Well done Y6 crew – have a wonderful break and we look forwards to seeing you fresh and ready to learn in January.
Happy Christmas!
Term 2 Week 6
This week we have continued to look at our assessments using a peer approach. Pupils worked in partnership to go back and take a fresh look at problems or calculations they may have struggled with. What a fantastic example of how our children use their collaboration skills in order to improve their learning. We heard some great learning conversations taking place with pupils coaching each other rather than simply giving up the answer.
Term 2 Week 5
‘Super Teach’ has been the focus of our learning throughout the week. Informed by assessments from last week, we have revisited area and perimeter as well as many grammar objectives that needed a little tweaking!
This week the crew were also really excited to finish their warning stories. Below are three beautifully published examples of how using a modelled text to innovate own writing can really be successful.
Term 2 Week 4
Our fantastic Year Six crew have approached assessment week with great attitudes, even begging to get going with their maths paper on Wednesday (much to the St Anne’s Maths Leader’s delight!) They still found the time to be creative and innovative though, continuing their warning stories (soon to be finished and published) as well as designing some new breeds of carnivorous plants! To see the photos, please follow Mrs Webb’s class Twitter account @AllyWebb10
Term 2 Week 3
We have seen some absolutely fantastic writing from the crew this week. By using our modelled text and sticking carefully to a specific brief, the children have shown excellent control over their writing whilst at the same time innovating their own thoughts and ideas. Continuing our learning theme ‘What happens when the World gets angry?’ we have learned about viruses and disease this week. The crew found out what happens when the world was angry enough to release the dangerous Ebola upon its unwilling victims and made thoughtful comparisons to other natural disasters we have already studied.
At the end of last week, we were visited once more by Ben Peters of Explorers Escape who shared his videos and findings with the children from his latest exploration, inspired by some of their questions and interests. He has provided the school with a pack for every child which includes free admission to the Bristol Aquarium as well as a fish and chip tea! They are asking for a small donation towards future explorations and education programs in return. Please see the website below for more information about their amazing and inspiring work.
Term 2 Week 2
Another busy week for the crew. This week they have continued to tackle fractions, have written fantastic descriptions based on our core short text ‘The Caravan’ and learned about how to plan for a sustainable future in a world endangered by global warming.
The crew also enjoyed a second visit from Ben Peters of Explorers Escape at the end of the week where they learned about some of the wanders of our British oceans as well as the harm the human race is doing to our seas.
We celebrated Children In Need today by wearing spots and donating to this worthy cause. The crew enjoyed PE at PCSA with Dave Turner too.
Term 2 Week 1
Year Six returned with a fantastic attitude to their learning this week, beautifully demonstrated on our trip to Hutton Moor where they learned key life saving skills in an epic two hour water session laden down in pyjamas. They also took part in some first aid training, learning basic CPR, how to treat shock and what to do in an emergency.
Continuing the theme of safety this week, Year Six took part in a workshop with representatives from Tarmac who spoke to them about keeping safe on busy roads. They even got to sit in the cab!
The crew also discussed family members that had lived through the war and began some art work inspired by Remembrance Sunday.
Week 7
What a busy week! The crew impressed us with their class worship on responsibility on Monday and have worked hard this week to end the term on a high. On Thursday, we visited Life Skills where the children participated in a whopping 19 scenarios intended to help them with tricky situations. Please ask your child about this or use the link below to allow them to show you what they did and saw using the 360 degree tour.
Week 6
We have had yet more examples of fabulous home learning creations this week. In maths, the crew have mastered BODMAS, showing that they can follow the order of operations to calculate accurately. The pictures below depict our learning about volcanoes this afternoon; the crew watched some powerful footage of pyroclastic surges and learned the parts of a volcano.
Week 5
This has been an amazing week for home learning. Please see our image section below for some of the fantastic natural disasters that have made their way into our classroom this week!
In maths we have been tackling long division. The crew have coped really well with this new method and are persevering. We have also introduced Times Tables Rockstars. Please ask your child about this and support them at home by allowing them access to ipads or computers if possible. We really want all our crew to be confident in multiplication facts up to 12×12.
In our writing, we have focused on choosing precise language in order to describe. Please read Niamh’s beautiful description of the ‘Ruined City’.
The sun’s beautiful golden beams of light shines through the cracks of the dead, broken city like blood in my veins. The brown, murky water flows through the wreckage of the once noble city. Steam rising up and dust flowing through air makes my mouth taste bitter and my head feel dizzy. The deafening silence fills my mind with terror as I sit and watch through my bedroom window the city that was once my home being swallowed by Mother Nature herself.
Week 4
This week we have seen some really successful maths – all of the crew are now confident multiplying larger numbers and decimals and have been applying these methods to word problems. In English we have begun our core text, Floodland, which is set in an imagined flooded Britain. This week, children were invited to consider whether or not the father of the main character, Zoe, should have left her to fend for herself on the island of Norwich. Ask your child their opinion!
Also this week, the crew engaged in some practical geography to understand more about how tsunamis occur and the damage they cause.
Week 3
What a fantastic week of learning the crew have had so far. On Thursday, the children wrote explanation texts which were of a really high quality, based on the learning in geography and English over the past two weeks.
James also gave a fabulous demonstration of how a volcano erupts using a model he made at home. He explained the reaction really well and the class enjoyed watching!
Week 2
The Crew have had another exciting week of learning. On Thursday, Years Five and Six were visited by parent and explorer Ben Peters who inspired us to learn all about The Great British Reef – a project his team are undertaking over the next term (see pictures below). We will be contacting some of his team of experts so that they might answer our burning questions about what lies beneath the surface of our local seas. Already the Year Sixes have devised thoughtful and interesting questions that will further their learning on the subject.
This week, our children led their very first Parliament sessions. Feedback from staff and pupils was fantastic with comments such as, “They were kind and helpful,” and “Excellent leadership.” They were also praised for the way in which they spoke to the children in their groups. Great oracy skills Year Six!
Week 1 – Learn like a Champion
It has been a fantastic first week back. The Year Six Crew have come back to school with fantastic attitudes to their learning. Successes this week have included presenting maths to ensure learning is clear and can be followed, re-drafting writing to improve and kick starting our learning theme ‘What happens when the World gets angry?’
Staff are going to be making phone calls, e mails and face to faces with parents to celebrate children who have impressed them either in terms of behaviour, learning or upholding our values. Have you had a POSITIVE PRAISE call yet?
Positive Praise doesn’t just come from staff either; below are two comments written by members of the crew about their peers in a bid to get them nominated for Friday Worship’s Learner of the Week.
Please download our Welcome Sheet, Home Learning Take Away menu and Learning Overview below.