Classes 2018-2019 Archives -
Year 5@Hewish 2018-19
“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela
Term 6 Week 6
Thank you to everybody who supported our school fair last week, either through donations or attendance at the event. It was lovely to see so many of you at the event, This week, we have shared our traditional stories with the crew from years 1 and 3. After reading, we invited the children to watch the short film and provide feedback on how we successfully narrated the movie. The film is called Zahra and can be viewed on the literacy shed website.
Term 6 Week 4
This Week has seen some wonderful creativity in the style of the Tanzanian artist, Edward Tingatinga. All pieces are the children’s original ideas.
Term 6 Week 4
An exciting week which culminated in one of our crew having the opportunity to interview Boris Johnson! Earlier in the week, we all took part in African drumming. It was an impressive session with the children keeping rhythm with their new instruments. They learnt to use a djembe drum, and a seed shaker amongst other instruments. Of course, we used the opportunity to produce some fabulous writing afterwards!
Click on this link to view.IMG_1952
Term 6 Week 3
A wonderful week which has culminated with our STEM day today at Priory(photos to come). the crew have come tinted their focus on animals – learning how to classify using keys. In maths, we have largely focussed on reflections and translations on coordinate grids.
Term 6 Week 2
As you’ll see from the photo’s, we have been learning about pollination, fertilisation and dispersal in plants. Some wonderful diagrams from the children.
Term 6 Week 1
We have had a wonderful week which began with the children exploring self esteem and their own feelings. The crew have learnt about trade between African countries and the wider world as well as beginning to write a narrative about a short film called Zehra. Their vocabulary use has been outstanding and has been acpkeasure to read. We have also learnt about the work of charities – in particluar, how Christian Aid fight for freedom and justice throughout the world.
Due to the unseasonal weather, today’s quadkids event was cancelled. It has been rearranged for next Friday 14th.
Term 5 Week 5
Thank you to everyone who supported our sports day this week. In class, we have continued to work with percentages, looking at the difference between 10% of a number and 10% off if a number. The children have also begun to analyse stories from different cultures.
Term 5 Week 4
Thinking if a holiday in Africa? You might want to consult these wonderful travel guides that the children have written. Developing there vocabulary, punctuation and grammar, these guides are based upon research from home as well as our geography focus in class. You can see many more of these outside and inside of our classroom.
Term 5 Week 3
This week we have continued to develop our multiplication strategies and further our research into Africa. The children have produced some wonderful plans from which they can launch their writing next week. In art, there were some great first attempts to create work in the style of Edward Tingatinga. Please check bags for home learning. All home learning that was handed to me from last week has received feedback.
Term 5 Week 2
Well, we had a wonderful day on Monday on our raft building and assault course day as you will see from the pictures below. All the children were enthused and took a full part with plenty of smiling and muddy faces. Huge thanks to the staff at Mendip Outdoor Pursuits for providing the day completely free of charge. In class we have developed our thinking around multiplication, continued to analyse brochures and there have been some wonderful representations of the The 10 Plagues in RE.
Term 5 Week 1
Welcome to the summer terms! We’ve had a wonderful week with some really excellent Easter projects shared with the class. On Monday next week, you’ll be aware that we have our raft building and assault course adventure day. A letter detailing the kit needed was sent home this week but in case it’s still in any bags, the requirements are listed here.
- Old clothes as they may get muddy, wet or torn
- Sturdy footwear (no sandals or crocs)
- Towel
- A spare set of clothing and footwear to change into after the activities
- An extra fleece in case it is cold
- Sun cream and hat if appropriate (please check weather forecast)
Waterproofs may be worn if children own them. Try to avoid wearing jeans if possible as they can become heavy when wet and muddy. The children will also need to be provided with a packed lunch and a filled water bottle. If your child is in receipt of free school meals, this will be provided for them.
Please do keep am eye on the weather forecast as it has been changing by the day this week. Currently, the threat of rain seems to be receding but the recent weather will have made the assault course very wet so muddy and wet is probably the least we can expect! We will post some photos of the day on here next week.
Term 4 Week 4
We have received the photos back from Mr Wilmot. Mrs Loach has produced a lovely display of the hopes and dreams of the children, which you can see here.
Term 4 Week 3
A wonderful week of learning which included a visit from Mr Wilmot from TPLT to conduct our interview challenge. The children prepared their own CV’s (quite impressive too) and then took part in a five minute interview. All of this aimed at preparing them for opportunities which will come their way in the future.
Term 3 Week 1
Welcome back everybody to the new school year. We’ve had a wonderful week , launching our new theme, ‘What made the world turn?’. The children were fascinated and shocked in equal measure by Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream speech’, and produced thoughtful responses.
The children have all been provided with home learning and a learning theme overview. The learning theme overview contains vocabulary which will be used and developed during the theme. You can help us by working with your child to develop their understanding of each word as well as finding synonyms for them. This will enhance their oracy, reading, spelling, and written work.
Please also remember that the children have access to Times Tables Rockstars – they have all been provided with log in details and passwords. Regular practise on this app keeps their calculation skills sharp.
Term 2 Week 4
Thank you to everybody who attended the Christmas fayre. It was lovely to see so many of you supporting our school. In class, we have continued to develop our understanding of fractions- focussing on fractions of amounts. The children continue to be enthralled by Stormbreaker. There are plenty of other stories involving the hero, Alex Rider. You may like to encourage your child to choose the next episode to read at home.
Term 2 Week 3
Term 2 Week 2
More visitors this week. Rob French shared his experiences of life in the marines which really captured the children’s interest and help them to understand some of the reality of life for our forces. The work produced afterwards was really thoughtful. Later on the week, the children created their own poetry based on remembrance. We also had a second visit from the explorer, Ben Peters, who has shared his experiences of diving around the Great British Reef.
Term 2 Week 1
A very exciting week as we begin our class novel – Stormbreaker. This is a fantastic adventure which has already enthralled the children. To finish the week, all children had the chance to sit on a lorry and learn about awareness of visibility for the drivers. This increased their knowledge of road safety. I cannot stress enough how valuable this was as we were all extremely surprised at the limits on the visibility of the drivers.
Week 5
We have had a wonderful week, completing and editing our adventure stories. As a whole, the crew have impressed me with the way they are beginning to explain their findings in maths and specifically addition and subtraction. However, the most important piece of learning this week had been around how to be safe when online. Plenty of the children have shared that they are regular users of the internet so our focus has been around the SMART message and how to make sure we are being safe and kind when online.
Week 4
A very busy week for the crew with four of us involved in a cycling competition and half the class meeting the author Matt Dickinson at Worle school. Matt was very kind and anawered every question that the children asked.
Week 3
This week we have been exploring the vocabulary used in addition and subtraction, learnt the reasons why people choose to live near volcanoes and planned our stories about an adventure on a volcano.
Week 2
Thank you to Ben from Explorers Education for visiting and sharing his next adventure with us. He will be diving around the coast of Britain and keeping us updated about his findings.
Week 1
What a wonderful week we have had, exploring how to ‘learn like a champion’. The children have learnt how the brain makes connections and shared their own personal ways of how they learn like champions. Next week, we will begin our learning theme, ‘What happens when the world gets angry?’
Please see the attached link for information about this term.