Classes 2018-2019 Archives -

Year 4 @West Wick 2018-19

Term 6

Week 8

What a wonderful final two days we have had in Year 4!

The children have thoroughly enjoyed putting together presentations to reflect and share their understanding of plastic pollution using everything that they have learnt this term. We have been amazed with the progress the children have made this year with their oracy  skills. They have learnt to speak with such clarity, cohesion and fantastic expression. We are looking forward to seeing these skills develop even further during their time in upper key stage 2.

We would just like to thank you  all for  your kind gifts and lovely messages which we have received this week. It has really blown us away and we are so grateful.

The Year 4 Crew are more than ready for Year 5 and we are looking forward to seeing them continue to grow as learners during their time with Mrs Webb and Mrs Coulton.We will look forward to see you back in September. Remember to keep using TTRS and spelling shed as much as you can too.


Stay safe  and we  hope you enjoy a lovely and well deserved summer break.

Miss Bradley , Mrs Hewitt and Mrs Sheppard.



Week 7

How have we reached the end of the year? It has been such a fantastic year for the Year 4 Crew and we are so proud of how confidently they performed their family worship on creativity on Monday. Each and every child spoke with such clarity and sang their absolute hearts out. It really did bring a tear to our eyes.  A big thank you to everyone that helped their child to learn their lines and who attended too! Your support it always so greatly appreciated.

In English, we’ve finished writing and innovated our text ‘ Mariana and the Merchild’ and what fantastic stories the Year 4 crew have written. They have used a wide range of skills which they have used throughout the year such as similes, metaphors, fronted adverbials and subornation and much much more.  It has been fantastic to watch each member of our crew grow in confidence this year and learn to LOVE writing. Keep this up next year!

In Maths, we have consolidated our understanding of fractions and the children have blown us away. They have worked so so hard this year. Please continue to use TTRS over the summer holidays as having an instant recall of your multiplication facts will really help you next year.

To end a fantastic unit on plastic pollution, in collaboration with the Year 3 crew, the Year 4 children created a plastic sculpture to represent the impact plastic pollution in having on our oceans. The children worked extremely hard together, painting, cutting and gluing to create this piece and WOW how amazing does it look!

We still have two days left to go before we break for the summer. We will look forward to seeing you Monday and Tuesday. Have a wonderful weekend.

Week 6 

Another week filled with great learning for the Year 4 Crew although, we would like to remind all of the Year 4 crew that we must continue to follow our three school rules right up until the end of the year – RESPECT is so so important; remember respect yourself,  respect others and respect the environment.

A busy week preparing our family worship. We are looking forward to seeing you all on Monday at 2.15pm @ WW.  Each child has been asked to bring in a plain coloured t-shirt, a cap / sunglasses. They have worked so so hard in rehearsal and we are excited to share our hard work with you.

At the start of the week, we posted our letters to Mr.Russell from North Somerset Council expressing how we feel about the issue of plastic pollution in our town. We are keeping our fingers crossed for a response.

This week we started reading our  new and final text ‘ Mariana and the Merchild’. We are thoroughly enjoying this traditional folk tale and we have unpicked the text, learnt new vocabulary, written a fantastic dialogue between Mariana and the Merchild herself as well as describing the torrential sea storm.

In Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of multiplication and division and practising our rapid recall of number facts. Please continue to practise these at home especially over the summer holidays as knowing these facts will really aid and support the children’s understanding of the upper key stage 2 maths curriculum.

In RE, we shared our Karma games with the year 2 learners to share what we had learnt and to consolidate our own understanding too.

A big thank you to everyone that helped out and supported our PTFA at our summer fair on Saturday – it is really appreciated.

With only one week left until the summer holidays, please encourage all of the Year 4 crew to take home all of their belongings next week.

Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the sunshine 🙂


Week 5

WOW! The Year 4 crew have been full of energy this week and have been fantastic learners.

Don’t forget it is the summer fair on Saturday 11-2!

In English, we have been learning how to write persuasive texts and learnt how to use rhetorical questions, cause and effect conjunctions, fronted subornation and how to include facts and figures in our writing. We have used these skills to write a persuasive letter to Colin Russell – a member of the waste management team at North Somerset Council making recommendations on how we can reduce plastic pollution in our town and on Weston – Super- Mare beach.  We have published our letters and can’t wait to post them on Monday. The year 4 crew have really developed a love and great stamina for writing this year – they should be SO proud of how far they have come.

In Maths, we have been revising and consolidating our understanding of multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and using the SWM for multiplication efficiently. It is SO important that the Year 4 continue to use TTRS as knowing our number facts really does help us when solving these calculations.

We have really enjoyed learning about how we can reduce plastic pollution and exploring ways of recycling plastic items. Thank you to Lily for sharing her bamboo toothbrush with us. It has been great to hear how each member of the Year 4 crew have changed their lifestyle and household items to reduce the use of plastic. Keep this up! 

We have finished our final pieces in art this week and the pictures will be up as soon as we have put them on display in our exhibition early next week.

Have a lovely weekend and we will look forward to seeing you at the summer fair on Saturday.  🙂

Week 4

The Year 4 Crew have been thoroughly enjoying the sunshine this week. It is fantastic to see each and every single member of the Year 4 Crew being so motivated to get fit and healthy whilst taking part in the daily mile. We believe it is so important to keep active as well as preparing yourself to learn in a physical way. The sunshine makes this even better!

In English this week, the children have written their very own newspaper reports reporting on our school visit to the Weston Super Mare beach. It was fantastic to see children using and applying the knowledge they had learnt during the beach clean and micro-plastic search when including facts and figures in their reports. We also learnt to use a wide range of fronted adverbials,  subordinating conjunctions and direct speech to make our writing more interesting. It has been great to see children correctly punctuating their writing too – we are really starting to see the year 4 skills they have learnt throughout this year embed naturally into their writing. Keep this up! Next week, we will be looking at persuasive writing as we want to SAVE our OCEAN!

In Maths, we have consolidated our understanding of position and direction and learnt how to read and describe position and movement, draw on a grid and translate shapes as well as coordinates. Fantastic learning from all crew members this week and we have really enjoyed watching you persevere and climb out of the learning pit too!

In PE,  we are learning a wide range of sending and receiving skills whilst developing our creativity skills. It was fantastic to see all children taking part and thinking of a ways to increase and decrease their own level of challenge.

In Art – we are continuing to be illustrators and have started our final pieces. Watch this space.

WOW!  We have been SUPER impressed with the fantastic home learning which has been going on outside the classroom.  Keep this up year 4!

Have  a good weekend 🙂

Week 3

Another great week in the Year 4 classroom as we have been budding mathematicians, inquisitive geographers and fantastic readers this week.

In English, we started our non-fiction unit based on newspaper reports and learnt to  retrieve, record and summarise information from a non-fiction text. We revised the features of a news paper report and imitated one in preparation for writing our own newspaper reports next week. We know if we can say it  – we can write it! Please encourage your children to practise at home too!

We’ve finished our shape unit this week and we are now able confidently identify, describe and compare triangles and quadrilaterals. We have also learnt to find lines of symmetry and accurately reflect and complete figures. So many of us have been stuck in the learning pit this week whilst grasping challenging concepts and it has been wonderful to see so many children preserve and be so determined to succeed.  Please continue to practise your times tables as the end of the year is fast approaching and all of the year 4 crew are expected to know all of their times tables up to x12 and TTRS is fantastic.

We have thoroughly enjoyed being geographers this week whilst we worked with the Marine Conservation society on our school trip. What a real eye-opening experience it was too! We completed a beach clean and a micro-plastic search collecting over 16kg of plastic in collaboration with the other Year 3 and 4 classes. It has been fantastic to see children so thoroughly engaged in this topic – a real life issue and so many children have started making life changes in hope of making our place a better and safer place.  A big thank you to all of our parent helpers who helped us out as without you we would not be able to provide our children with these fantastic learning experiences.

In music, the year 4 crew started writing their own lyrics to a song in preparation for our family worship – watch this space we have some really talented musicians within our crew and we can not wait to share our final pieces with you.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and we hope the sun keeps shining!

See you Monday.

Week 2

Despite the wet and rainy weather, the Year 4 crew have had another great week filled with fantastic learning.

On Monday, we illustrated and published our rhyming verse poems and have displayed them in the learning street for all of our learners and visitors to enjoy.  Throughout the rest of the week, we explored Haiku, Limerick, Narrative and Acrostic poems and wrote our own continuing the theme of what lies beneath.  We have been super impressed with the creativity and determination the children have shown this week whilst thinking of interesting language as well as following the rules of poetics styles. Next week, we will be looking at newspaper reports in preparation for writing our own based on the Year 3 and 4 beach clean. We are really looking forward to being journalists.

In Maths this week, we have been learning about obtuse, acute and right angles, triangles and quadrilaterals. We have learnt a wide range of new vocabulary such as isosceles , equilateral , scalene, polygon, rhombus, parallelogram and much much more! We are now able to identify, recognise and compare triangles and name and describe quadrilaterals. We will continue this next week.

Continuing our ‘Be an illustrator’ unit; we have learnt how to add shade and tone to our drawings when drawing sea creates and how to draw 3D objects such as plastic bottles and packets. We are looking forward to creating our final pieces inspired by Rohan Dahotre over the next few weeks.

The year 4 crew really enjoyed being programmers this week whilst exploring our new  software Kodu. We learnt how to create new worlds and edit and change landscapes. Next week, we will be learning how to programme objects and characters in preparation for creating our own game.

We are very much looking forward to our beach clean on Tuesday 18th and we are still after one more adult to come and help us.  If you are able to join us please let me know asap.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Week 1

Welcome back! How have we reached term 6 already – time really does fly when you are having fun.

This week the Year 4 crew have returned to school with such enthusiasm and ready to learn. During English this week, we have started looking at poetry – in particular rhyming verse poems and have written our own using a wide range of rhyming couplets. We are really looking forward to publishing and illustrating these on Monday.

In Maths, we’ve finished our statistics unit and we are now able to confidently read, compare and interpret line graphs, bar charts, pictograms and tally charts whilst also being able to solve challenging word problems. It has been great to see the Year 4 crew take such pride in their learning when presenting their findings. Next week, we will be starting our geometry  unit looking at angles and shape. Please continue to use TTRS as much as possible. The end of the year is looming and we all need to know our times tables up to x12.

During art this term, the Year 4 crew will be illustrators whilst studying plastic pollution. This week we studied the work of Rohan Dahotre and thought about the meaning and messages behind his work.

In geography this week, we discussed the question ‘ Why do the oceans matter?’ The Year 4 crew came up with some fantastic reasons to justify why we should look after our underwater environment.

Have a super weekend!

Term 5

Week 4 and 5

What a beautiful week we have had. The Year 4 crew have enjoyed the sunshine this week on their way to school during walk to school week and  whilst also attending the multi-skills festival, the cricket match at the Somerset grounds in Taunton and sports day. A big thank you for all of your support on Wednesday and to those who attended our family picnic. It was great to have such a big  turn out and the children really appreciated all of the cheering and support during the events. It is always lovely such enthusiasm,  determination, and sportsmanship on one of many people’s favourite day of the year.

In English this week, the Year 4 crew have written Chapter 28 of Edward Tulane following on from the story, edited and revised their writing and published their final piece.  We have been so impressed with the wide range of vocabulary being used in their writing and the creativity behind the sequencing of events. Well done Year 4. Next term, we will be taking another look at non-fiction and learning how to write news paper reports, persuasive letters and much much more!


In Maths, we have started our new unit on statistics which we will be continuing during the first week of term 6. We have been learning how to read and interpret data in the form of pictograms, bar charts, tally charts and tables, generating questions in order to use and analyse the data and collecting first hand data too. Throughout this unit, we will be learning how to compare, summarise and solve problems using data and also learning how to read and interpret line graphs.

In Art, the Year 4 crew have been fantastic sculptors. They have really enjoyed creating different textures and using the skills they have learnt this term when sculpting their sea life creatures.

We wish you all a well-deserved and fantastic break and we will look forward to seeing you on Monday 3rd June.

Enjoy the sunshine.

Week 3

Another 4 day week which has flown by! This week the Year 4 crew have been fully indulged in our class text.  All of the children have been truly inspired by this text and have produced some fantastic pieces of writing so far this term. This week we’ve described what it would have been like to live in a rubbish dump from the perspective of Edward as well as writing harm warming letters to Bryce’s mother explaining that Sarah Ruth had passed away.  A really fantastic week writing wise. We have been so impressed – keep it up Year 4.  Next week, we will finish reading the story and will begin to think about planning the next chapter in preparation for writing our own next chapter if the story could be continued.

In Maths, we have been revising time this week. Please help us at home by encouraging your children to read an analogue clock. We are also asking children to wear a watch to school if they already have one. We are determined for the whole crew to be able to tell the time. Next week, we will be learning to read and convert analogue to 24hr digital.

In Geography this week, we have been learning about the creatures which live in our oceans. We learnt the layers and zones of the ocean and researched animals which live amongst each layer. Did you know that the majority of the creatures that live within the Abyss do not have any eyes? The Year 4 are really enjoying learning about what lies beneath.

A polite reminder about the cloakroom – the children have been reminded how to treat and respect their own belongings as well as other peoples. If this could be reminded during pick up and drop of times that would be great. Thank you.

Continue to use TTRS and Spelling Shed – we are also seeing some fantastic home learning coming in each week. Keep up the good work!

Happy Friday


Week 2 

What a fantastic week the Year 4 Crew have had! We celebrated so many out of school achievements this week – Well Done to Chloe for winning a bronze medal at your gymnastics competition and all of the Year 4 boys who took part in the football tournament over the weekend at Butlins. We really do enjoy hearing about your out of school achievements. Keep it up!

A big thank you to all of the Year 4 children who attended the first session of Netball club this week @ WW. It was great to see so many of you as well as the Year 3s. This week we learnt the positions of the game, the three passes and the general rules around footwork. Don’t forget there will not be a session next week as it is a bank holiday weekend. See you again on the 13th.

In English, we have continued reading the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and we are thoroughly enjoying it! This week we have written from Edward’s perspective, created a dialogue between Pellegrina and Abilene and learnt how to correctly punctuation direct speech and use a range of adverbs to make our writing more exciting. We are currently up to Chapter 10. We are eager to find our what will happen to Edward now he has been chuck in the rubbish dump! Next week, we will be developing our inference skills when reflecting on how Edward has developed has a character whilst focusing on using fronted adverbials when writing.

In PSHE this week, we thought about what it feels like to loose somebody close to us or a special item. The Year 4 crew respected one and other tremendously whilst children shared their personally feelings and experiences.  It can be a difficult subject to discuss but the children now understand how to manage their feelings when experiencing loss and how they can take steps forward.

In Geography, we have been learning about the physical features within our ocean. We have researched into the Great Barrier Reef as well as the Mariana Trench and found out some fascinating facts. Did you know that if you turned Mount Everest on its head it still would be 2km from the bottom of the trench – named challenger deep? Also, the Great Barrier reef is home to over 1.500 species of fish?



In ICT, the Year 4 crew explored fake websites this week. It is so important that we teach children to be  aware of the risks that come with using the internet.  The Year 4 crew are now able to identify the key signs which might suggest a website may be unreliable.

Enjoy a well-deserved three day weekend!

Week 1

Welcome Back! What a fantastic start to Term 5 the Year 4 crew have had.  This week we introduced our new learning theme ‘ What lies beneath?’ and term 5 and 6 will be full of exciting opportunities such as analysing plastic pollution on sand bay beach and  meeting and greeting experts such as a professional explorer and a turn tide specialist. Year 3 and 4 will also be given the opportunity to campaign and raise awareness of the human impact on our oceans. This learning theme will provide the opportunity for the children to be geographers and really develop their understanding of our world.  Did you know that 70% of the Earth is water?

In English this week, we started reading our new text – ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo.  This week we have really unpicked Edward Tulane as a character, made predictions and inferences based on the first couple of chapters and written in role as if we were Edward Tulane ourselves.  This afternoon, we read chapter three and the children have gone away wondering what Pellegrina’s story is going to be about. We are very much looking forward to continuing to read and write about this text through this term. Please remember to continue using Spelling Shed to practise spellings each week  –

In Maths, we have started our two week unit on Money. We have  been recognising pounds and pence, ordering and comparing amounts and estimating and rounding amounts to the nearest pound and ten pence. Next week, we will be learning to solve problems involving all four operations when using money.  Using, understanding and calculating money really is a life long skill. Please encourage your children to estimate amounts when you are out and about to apply the skills they have learnt in class.  Please continue to use TTRS to pratise your times tables – this weeks battle is against Year 5 at Hewish – 

In PSHE, this term we will be discussing relationships. This week we learnt the different types of relationships we have with close friends and family, people we know well and people we know a bit.  Throughout the rest of this unit we will be understanding loss, sharing memories, understanding animal rights and appreciating why animals are special.

Real PE – FUNS focus: dynamic balance to agility and static balance. Cog Focus: Social. Learning objectives: I cooperate well with others and give helpful feedback. I help organise roles and responsibilities and I can guide a small group through a task. I am happy to show and tell others about my ideas. I show patience and support to others listening carefully to them about our work.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Term 4

Week 6
Where did this term go?  The Year 4 Crew have worked extremely hard this term. Lots of learning has been taking place such as understanding the life cycle of a plant, learning about  the requirements a plant needs to grow, writing a fantastic set of creative instructions, developing footwork and co-ordination skills in PE, discussing holy community and the true meaning of Easter, understanding our dreams and goals,  learning to compare, order and convert decimals and much much more! 

During our final week, the Year 4 crew have finished writing their discussion texts persuading Miss Hockey and Mrs Dadds to let us start a gardening club. We then applied the skills we had  learnt this term when writing our own discussion texts.  Some of our own ideas consisted of ‘Should we build a swimming pool in the playground?’ , ‘ Should we have a school dog?’ and ‘Should we have to do home learning?’ It was fantastic to see each child using a range of comparative connectives when writing a balanced argument. We will see what Mrs Dadds and Miss Hockey have decided about the gardening club at the beginning of next term –  keep your fingers crossed!!

We have finished our unit on decimals and the Year 4 crew can now confidently convert fractions to decimals, order and compare decimals and recognise decimals on number line. Throughout this unit, it has been great to see the children applying the knowledge they learnt during our fractions unit. We will continue to revise fractions and decimals during our morning challenges next term.

We have been super creative in PE this term. We have learnt many different footwork patterns and created our own mini circuits and games to show off our skills. Can you hopscotch backwards alternating the leg you hop on? It has been fantastic to see so many children using real PE to challenge themselves and work collaboratively with others.


A BIG well done to Joshua and Aidan who attended the sport games event at UWE on Thursday. ‘I can now do  kurling,” said Aidan on his arrival back at  school. It is always fantastic to hear what a great time children have trying out non-traditional sports.

Our learning theme next term is “What lies beneath?” – we will be exploring rivers, lakes and oceans and thinking about how we can look after our planet.

Please remember to continue playing TTRS and Spelling Shed over the Easter Holidays and try not to eat too much chocolate!

Happy Easter and enjoy the break!

Week 5

Throughout the week, Year 4 Crew have been battling the Year 6  crew at Hewish in this weeks battle of the bands on TTRS! Please keep encouraging your child/children to play TTRS at home as by the end of Year 4 each child is expected to be able to recall their times tables up to x12.

This week we had a very special visit from Miss Criddle – the director of Science at TLPT. She was very impressed by the Year 4 crew who shared the scientific knowledge they had learnt so far this year. She was particularly impressed with the wide range of scientific vocabulary the children were using during their discussion.  During our lesson this week, we were learning about the life cycle of a flowering plant.  We are now able to tell you what happens during the germination and pollination stages too!

In English this week, we have been looking at discussion texts. We’ve learnt our new text map and have started to innovate it. We have been discussing the advantages and disadvantages of setting up a gardening club at West Wick.  It has been interesting to hear the children come up with a wide range of arguments for and against to ensure their discussion text is balanced. We have looked at different sentence signposts to ensure we know  how to use comparative language and how to generalise opinions. Next week, we will be writing our discussion text on – ‘Should we start a gardening club at West Wick?’ and then later in the week we will be applying the skills we’ve learnt in an independent write. Watch this space!

In Art, the Year 4  crew have started to create their final pieces using the skills they have learnt throughout their Botanical Artist project. We will be sharing our final pieces throughout the week – keep checking twitter for live updates.

In Re this term, we have been focusing on the events Holy Week, in particular focusing on the last supper. This week, the year 4 crew created leaflets as a guide for children aged 6-8 explaining what Holy Communion is and how it links with Easter. They have showcased a range of knowledge. Well Done Year 4.

Week 4

The year 4 crew @West Wick have all been learning champions this week. It has been assessment week ( or learning check ups as we call them with the children ) and each and every member of the crew has tried so hard and shown brilliant perseverance . It is lovely for the teaching staff to see just how much progress our wonderful learners are making .  Next week is Super Teach week which gives the children a chance to consolidate and revisit any concepts and previous learning they are not yet secure with depending on any gaps identified this week.

In English this week, the Year 4 crew completed their fictional instructions and we are truly blown away by them  – it has been wonderful to see so many children being so creative.  We’ve been focusing on using fronted adverbials of time and a range of different adverbs to make our writing more exciting.  Yesterday, the children were given the opportunity to apply the skills they’ve learnt over the past week in a hot writing task. It was fantastic to see so many different yet very imaginative variations of how to become a superhero. Well Done Year 4 – you have really shown us how fantastic you are this week.  Next week, we will be learning how to write a discussion text – check twitter as we will be posting our newest text map!

In Maths, we have learnt to recognise tenths and hundredths as decimals as well as dividing whole numbers be 10 and 100.  We will be continuing with decimals after super teach week.  This week we’ve challenged the Year 4 crew at Hewish to a Battle of the Bands on Times Table Rock Stars – please make sure you take part in this over the weekend!

In Art, the children have continued being botanical artists and learnt how to enlarge and image using the grid sketching method before adding colour using the colour mixing skills they learnt last week. It is so lovely to see the Year 4 crew taking such pride in their art work. Keep checking twitter for live updates from the classroom.

A polite reminder – we are trying to keep the Year 3 and 4 cloakroom as clear and as clutter-free as possible.  Please ensure your child/children comes to school with a book bag/ small bag only as this really does up us to keep it tidy. Many thanks

Happy Friday!

Week 3

It’s Friday already! Thank you to everyone who wore red today to support comic relief and the Weston hospice.

This week in English, the  children have each produced a fantastic set of creative instructions on how to grow their own mythical creature. It was lovely to see some many children bursting with ideas and being fully engaged in their writing. The Year 4 crew can confidently use a range of adverbs and fronted adverbials of time in their writing too!  Next week, we will be continuing with the boy who grew dragons taking more of a reading comprehension focus.

In Maths this week, we have learnt how to recognise one tenth as a decimal using a range of pictorial methods such as the bar model and a number line. The Year 4 crew can now confidently covert tenths as a fraction to a decimal and also divide any two digit number by 10. Next week, we will be learning to recognise hundredths before going on to compare and order decimals. Please remember to continue using TTRS – we have set each child specific timetables for them to focus on as by the end of Year 4 each child is expected to know all of their times tables up to x 12.

We’ve continued with our botanical artists project and created our own paint palettes through experimenting with colour by mixing. It was fascinating to watch the children make colour matches when comparing their paint palettes to the colours used in the work of Georgia O’Keeffe.

A polite reminder that we would like to receive the home learning books on a Monday so they can be marked and returned with the next weeks learning on a Tuesday. Continue to use spelling shed as much as possible – the scores we are seeing are great!

I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Week 2 

This week the Year 4 crew have been indulged in reading.  On Monday, it was great to see so many parents join us for our shared reading session and throughout the rest of the week the Year 4 crew enjoyed drop and read, sharing books and reading to one another. A big thank you to all those children who brought in books to swap and share this week too. Reading for pleasure is so important and not just for one week. Please continue to read with your child at home. We are currently mid-way through T he Boy who Grew Dragons by Andy Sheppard and we’re absolutely loving it.

In Maths this week, we have finished our unit on fractions. The Year 4 crew can now confidently add and subtract fractions, find equivalent fractions, find fractions of amounts and apply this knowledge when solving complex word problems. It was great to see so many children in the learning pit this week whilst being so motivated to come out. Perseverance  is key! Next week, we will be going on to decimals and applying our knowledge of tenths and hundredths. Please continue to use times table rock stars with your children at home.

In Science, we’ve set up an investigation whilst exploring what plants need to grow. Watch this space – we will be collecting our results next week.

During PSHE, we have been thinking about our dreams and goals. It was great to hear that so many children have such high aspirations. Next week, we will be learning to understand how we might feel when our dreams do not come true as building resilience within our children is so important.

So far this term in Art, the Year 4 crew have been exploring Georgie O’Keeffe and Martin Keble. This week we experimented using different tones to great light and shade. The results were fantastic. Next week, we will be exploring colour. Keep checking our twitter feed for live updates.

Wishing you a very happy weekend and we will look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Week 1

What a fantastic first week back! The sun has been shining and the learning has been brilliant. The Year 4 Crew have thoroughly enjoyed their new text ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’. This term we are thinking and learning about – how do plants grow? The children have been asking lots of questions which we will answer throughout the rest of this term. 

“How do plants produce oxygen?” asked Alife.

“What do plants need to grow?” asked Kyra.

“How long do plants live for?” asked Chloe B.

“What do plants eat?” asked Korben.

In Maths this week we’ve been continuing with fractions. We are now able to add and subtract three fractions, subtract from whole amounts and find fractions of amounts of quantities.  Are you able to find an eighth of  56?  Ask the your children at how to show you how? Next week we will be consolidating our understanding of fractions by solving problems and investigations before moving on to decimals.

This term our school value is ‘Compassion’. This week we’ve discussed what it means to be compassionate. It is great to see children adopting this value into their everyday school life.

Our topic in PSHE this term is ‘Dreams and Goals’ – the children will taught to understand how sometimes dreams and goals do not come true, how to reflect and act upon disappointment, how to create new goals and plans to achieve them and how to celebrate success.

Please remember  to continue using Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling shed to support your child’s learning at home.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Term 3 

Week 5

What a week the Year 4 Crew have had! In DT, this week we used our consumer preference questionnaires to help us to write instructions explaining how to create a delicious and nutritious pizza. Then on Thursday, we created our products using these instructions and a range of different ingredients and cooking techniques.  Please let us know how they tasted as next week we will be reflecting and evaluating them.

A BIG thank you to TARMAC for visiting us today. We really enjoyed learning how to stay safe around lorries. It is scary to think how many blind spots a lorry has when stopping at a zebra crossing. Please ask your children about this experience.

In Maths, this week we started our fractions unit. To begin with, we looked at how different fractions can be represented through objects, quantities, pictures and words. Then, we moved on to finding equivalent fractions – at first we found this challenging but it was great to see so many children preserving when climbing out of the learning pit.

In PSHE, this week we started to create our page for the ‘Healthy Me Recipe book’.  As a crew, we are creating a book explaining why healthy friendships are important. We will be finishing these off next week. Watch this space.

In English and Science, we are learning about the digestive system.  At the beginning of the week, we learnt our talk for writing text to help us use and understand a range of scientific vocabulary. We are now part way through writing our explanation texts and are looking forward to finishing these next week!

Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for the Valentines Disco  – Thursday 14th February @ West Wick KS2 5.45 – 6.45pm

Have a fabulous weekend.

Week 4

Despite the cold weather, the Year 4 crew have had another great week; jam packed with fantastic learning.

This week the Year 4 crew have finished writing their innovated stories of the Ice Palace and they are fantastic! Some children have chosen to publish their stories and will be bringing them home shortly.  During the last two weeks of term, we will be learning about the digestive system and writing explanation texts to explain the process.  Please encourage your children to discuss their learning at home.

In Maths, we have been learning how to calculate the area of a shape by counting shares and measuring in square centimetres. The Year 4 crew can now confidently find the area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes. Next week, we will be moving on to fractions. We will be looking at different ways of representing fractions and finding equivalent fractions.  We are also focusing on learning our 8 times table – please don’t forget to practise your times tables using Times Table Rockstars . We will be announcing our Rock Star of the Week on Monday!

In DT this wee, the Year 4 crew were has a special visit from Mr Wood – the chef. He taught us how to cut fruit and vegetables using the bridge and claw grip. We also learnt how to use a peeler safely. A BIG thank you to Mr Wood for sharing your expertise with us.

In PSHE, we thought about how alcohol effects the body and the reason’s why some people may drink alcohol.  It was great to hear a wide range of different perspectives and opinions from the Year 4 crew.

We hope you enjoy the snow – stay safe and have a lovely weekend.

Week 3

How is it Friday already! The Year 4 crew have been working extremely hard this week and have nearly finished writing their innovated stories of the Ice Palace. We’ve also  been focusing on using a range of subordinating conjunctions and fronted adverbials to extend our sentences. To help children with their sentence structure , we are encouraging them to read at least three times a week at home. Please encourage your child  to read as much as possible – it really does make a difference.

In Maths, we have been learning how to measure and calculate the perimeter of squares, rectangles and also rectilinear shapes. It is a challenging concept but the children have shown great determination and have persevered  in order to solve challenging questions. We have also introduced a daily times table challenge as we are practising not only being able to recall our times tables but being able to recall them quickly. We are aiming to be able answer each question within   6 seconds.  Please encourage your child to continue practising their times tables using times table rock stars as by the end of Year 4, each child is expected to be able to recall all of their multiplication facts up to 12 x 12.

This week in RE, we thought about the importance of forgiveness. We based our learning on the ‘The parable of the Lost Son’ and we explored each of the character’s feelings. We then wrote a letter in role as the father in the story, explaining why we were so forgiving of the youngest son.

In DT,  whilst continuing to study health and nutrition we created a questionnaire to find out our class mates preferences when eating a healthy pizza. This data will help us to create a delicious and nutritional pizza later this term.

In PSHE, we thought about how smoking effects the body and the reason’s why some people may start to smoke. It was great to hear a wide range of different perspectives and opinions from the Year 4 crew.

Have a lovely weekend.


Week 2

The Year 4 Crew have had another great week this week. In English, We could not stop reading and we’ve finally  finished the Ice Palace.  Ask the children to retell the story to you – it is fantastic! As a crew, we then began boxing up the story in preparation for the innovation stage next week. We are thoroughly looking forward to writing our own versions of the Ice Palace – watch this space.

In PE and Science, we have been learning about how muscles move. We know understand that muscles work in pairs and when one muscle contracts (shortens) the other muscles extends (lengthens). We have also been looking very carefully at the human skeleton and are now able to identify 11 bones in the human body. Quiz us if you like! Did you know that there are 206 bones in the human body?

Our spellings this week are homophones which can be tricky as they sound the same but have different meanings. Please support your child in understanding the meaning of each word. We have done this in class but extra help at home would be great.

Week 1

What a fantastic first week back ! This week the children were introduced to their new learning theme ‘ What goes in must come out! and have become nutrition and health experts. Our theme this term covers health, fitness, the human skeleton, muscles and the digestive system. To start the week off we looked at a wide range of vocabulary relating to this topic. Our focus words this term are: nutrition, energy ,  health,   diet ,  balanced, omnivore,  herbivore,  carnivore skeleton , produce,   digestion,   muscles,  hygiene,   exercise,   movement,  hydration,   growth,   organs and seasonality. 

The children have all been provided with home learning and a learning theme overview. The learning theme overview contains vocabulary above which will be used and developed during the theme. You can help us by working with your child to develop their understanding of each word as well as finding synonyms for them. This will enhance their oracy, reading, spelling, and written work.

In science, we  analysed our hockey player’s diet and calculated the number of portions of fruit and veg eaten and the number of teaspoons of sugar consumed in a week. We were amazed! Did you know the recommended number of portions of fruit of veg is 5  and 7 teaspoons of sugar a day?  We presenting our findings in  a graph and based on this information we were then able to make nutritional recommendations for our clients.

In Maths, the Year 4 crew have been learning how to divide up to three digit numbers by a one digit number using the standard written method for division  (the bus stop). The crew have grown in confidence this week when using this method. Please help us to continue practising at home as next weeks home learning will be focusing on this.

In PE and PSHE, our new topic is ‘Healthy Me’. We’ve been discussing new years resolutions and how we can live a healthy lifestyle. The crew learnt how to take their heart rate and we discussed the benefits of doing exercise.

In English, we have focused on describing settings and characters based on the class text ‘Ice Palace’ by Robert Swindells.  Our spellings this week are homophones which can be tricky as they sound the same but have different meanings. Please support your child in understanding the meaning of each word. We have done this in class but extra help at home would be great.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Term 2   

Week 7

It’s Christmas!
The Year 4 crew have been extremely excited with the run up to our Christmas break but this hasn’t stopped us from doing some fantastic learning.

We’ve been learning about what Christmas is like in Poland and discussed the similarities and differences between Christmas in Poland and Christmas in Britain. A big thank you to Kamila and Gabriel for sharing their knowledge and experiences with us. It was so interesting and we learnt so much from you.

This week we have also had a debate and discussed whether we should give presents this Christmas. The children came up with some great responses. “We should give gifts but it doesn’t have to be a present because you could give the gift of love or happiness by spending time with your family,” said Chloe B.
“If we are given gifts then we should give the gift of thankfulness to show we appreciated it,” said Ellis.

The children have publish their setting descriptions and have taken them home today along with their calendars. We hope you enjoy them.

The Year 4 Crew would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We’ll look forward to seeing you on January 7th.

Week 6 

WOW, what a very busy week the Year 4 Crew have had. After working extremely hard on practising their readings, carols and prayers for the carol service, they put on heart warming and fantastic service for all of their friends and family. Thank you so much to everyone who attended and supported the Year 3 and 4 Crew on Thursday evening.

This week in English, we’ve been learning how to use fronted adverbials and prepositions to make our writing about the King of Winter more interesting. The children have now started writing their setting description which will be published and sent home next week.

In Maths, we have been learning how to multiply two and three digit numbers by a one digit number using the standard written method for multiplication. Can you help us by practising at home?

In Art, we’ve started making our King of Winter calendars using water colours and chalk pastels. We’ve been learning how to create different textures, colours and how to draw objects in proportion. We are looking forward to finishing these next week.

Don’t forget it is Christmas Day @ St.Anne’s on Wednesday 19th December – Christmas jumpers and Christmas dinner too!

Week 5

Another busy week for the Year 4 Crew.  This week we’ve finished our recounts and started to type them up ready to publish on TripAdvisor. We will be finishing these on Monday so watch this space – links to follow. Today we’ve started our Christmas unit in English using the picture of The King of Winter. We’ve been learning how to use similes to describe the  winter setting and next week we will be learning how to use these skills when writing a magical setting description.

In computing this week, we’ve finished our comics based on the Colosseum using comic life. They look fantastic. The children are now able to confidently manipulate images, organise text and use onomatopoeia.

In PSHE,  we’ve been discussing kindness and learning the difference between bullying and cyberbullying. We are really reencouraging the children to be relentlessly kind and respectful.

Don’t forget it is the Year 3/4 Christmas carol concert  next Thursday. Those children who have been given bible readings to rehearse – keep practising.

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend and we will look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Week 4 

We’ve had a fantastic week in Year 4. On Tuesday, we went to Caerleon and despite the torrential rain we had a fantastic day. We visited the Roman barracks, the Roman baths and the remains of an amphitheatre. We also tried on Roman body armour and experienced what it would have been like to attend a Roman school where we learnt Latin and Roman numerals.

In English, we published our letters to Claudius Maximus and began planning a recount in preparation for writing our TripAdvisor review for Caerleon next week. Watch this space! We’ve also learnt how to use fronted adverbials of time, place and manner. Quiz us if you like!

In Maths, we’ve been learning how to multiply and divide by 6,7 and 9. Don’t forget to continue practising your times tables at home using times table rock stars as by the end of Year 4 every member of the Year 4 crew needs to be able to recall all of their times table up to 12 x 12.   The Year 4 crew also love to play hit the button where you can find the question or the answer – give this a try too! 

Thank you to everyone who brought in a tombola prize for the Christmas fayre on Wednesday and it was great to see so many of you this evening at the fayre.

Rehearsals for our Christmas coral concert are well underway and we are looking forward to performing to all of our friends and family on Thursday 13th December.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Week 3 

What an exciting week the Year 4 Crew have had!  On Monday, we visited St. Mark’s primary school to attend the Raise the Roof signing festival and the children really did sing their hearts out which was fantastic to see. Well Done Year 4.


In English this week, we’ve finished writing our persuasive letters to Claudius Maximus. The persuasive language and vocabulary the children have been using  has really impressed us. We can’t wait to see the finished pieces on Monday after we’ve finished publishing them. Towards the end of next  week, we will be writing a recount based on our visit to Caerleon on Tuesday – don’t forget to wrap up warm! Please also remember to keep practising your spellings.

On Thursday, we Tamsin  came to visit us from the NSPCC.  She taught us  how to ‘Speak Out and Stay Safe’ – a very important message. We were even luckily enough to meet buddy. Thank you Tamsin.

In Science this week, we’ve been learning about the fossilisation process. We made fossils out of salt dough and explained our understand during a presentation. It was great to see the children using their oracy skills to share their knowledge.

Thank you to all those children who entered the road safety superheroes competition – all the designs were GREAT!  The top three will be announced Monday and will then be sent on to be entered in the North Somerset road safety competition.

We would like to take this chance to remind you that next Friday is the Christmas fayre. The children have bought home white bags to decorate as well as raffle tickets to sell. We ask that these are both returned on Wednesday which is also dress down day in return for a tombola prize. We are aware that it is a very busy time of year for everyone but if you can spare any time to help our amazing PTA with this they would be extremely appreciative.


Week 2

This week we’ve supported the Anti-Bullying week campaign and discussed the theme ‘choose respect’. We thought about our school rules and discussed bullying from three different perspectives. We also discussed how we could choose respect when making choices in school and how we could be a school superhero. It was great to see so many random acts of kindness this week too!

The Year 4 Crew also transported back in time to the Roman Empire. We  identified the key features of a persuasive text and recited a persuasive letter from Claudius Maximus. Next week, we will be writing our own persuasive letters to Claudius Maximus persuading him to let us  join the Roman Army. If you were a Roman citizen, what qualities would you have that would be useful on the battlefield?

In Maths this week we continued with multiplication and division. We are now able to explain division using pictorial representations and divide by 1 and 10. Next week, we will be learning how to divide by 100 and multiply and divide by 6, 7,  and 9.

We are looking forward to seeing lots of home learning books on Monday to see how you’ve been getting on at home.

We’ve also continued with Hockey and Dance during our PE sessions.  We’ve learnt 3 warrior poses in dance and used this poses to help us created different formations. In Hockey, we’ve been learning how to control the ball, pass the ball and also receive the ball from another player.

We hope you have a fabulous weekend and we will look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Week 1

What a brilliant week! The Year 4 Crew have had a fantastic start to Term 2.  They came back from our two week break full of energy and ready to learn.

This week in English we have been learning how to write a play script based on the story UG the Stone Age genius. The Year 4 crew have really impressed us with their imaginative ideas and their ability to read aloud with expression using an appropriate tone. The children acted out their scenes and it has been great to see each child grow with confidence throughout the week.  These skills will definitely come in handy later on this term when we attend the Raise the Roof music festival. Well done Year 4.

In Maths this week we’ve started our multiplication and division unit and we’ve been learning how to multiply numbers by 0, 1, 10 and 100.  The Year 4 crew are super mathematicians and are now able to use pictorial representations to show their understanding whilst also being able to solve calculations mentally.  Don’t forget to use times table rock stars at home too!

In Science, we started our Rocks unit and created sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks out of chocolate! It was so much fun. Next week we will be learning about their different properties and carrying out an experiment.

We also had a special visit from Rob French to share his experience, understanding and the importance of Remembrance day. It was lovely to see the Year 4 Crew deepen their understanding by asking Rob inquisitive questions. Thank you to those children who also wore their uniform on Friday – you all looked great.

We hope you have a fabulous weekend and we will look forward to seeing you next week to begin our topic on the Romans.

Term 1

The Year 4 Crew are looking for voluntary parent helpers to support us with our reading. If you are interested please inform Miss Bradley or Mrs Sheppard  ASAP and we will send out all the information required.

Week 7 
What a wonderful first term the Year 4 Crew have had.

In English this week we’ve finished our non-chronological reports and published them in the form of an information leaflet. We can’t wait to display these in the learning street after half term.


In Maths this week we’ve been applying our addition and subtraction skills when using the inverse to check our answers and when solving multi-step problems.

Today I asked the Year 4 Crew – “what have you enjoyed this term?” It was great to hear their responses.

“I’ve enjoyed learning about the Iron Age and the Stone Age because it’s so interesting. They lived differently to us,” said Korben.

“I’ve enjoyed being in a new classroom with a new teacher and making new friends,” said Ava.

“I’ve enjoyed Science because it’s interesting to find out how things change from a solid to  a liquid,” said Kamila.

“I’ve enjoyed writing my non-chronological report on pugs because I love pugs and really liked writing about something I love,” said Mya C.

“I’ve enjoyed challenging myself in Maths because I feel that I am much better at problem solving now,” said Josh.

We hope you all have a fantastic half term and we will look forward to seeing you on Monday 5th November.

Week 6 

Wow I can’t believe we only have one week left of this term!

This week the Year 4 crew have been presenters and presented their non-chronological reports on the Vikings – it was as if they were on Newsround. Links/QR Codes to come soon.  Following on from this, we have been planning our own non-chronological reports either on the Iron Age or a topic of our choice. We will be writing and publishing these next week to display in the learning street for visitors to read.

In maths this week, we have been learning how to use the standard written method for subtraction when subtracting 4 digit numbers. The Year 4 crew have really been challenging themselves by solving missing number problems. Next week we will be learning how to use the inverse operation to check our addition and subtraction calculations.

On Thursday we shared and presented our E-Safety PowerPoints with Busy Bees, Year 1 and Year 3. We are now experts and understand how to be safe online.

We were super impressed to see so many children playing Times Table Rockstars at home – keep it up as by the end of Year 4 we need to know all of our times tables from 1 x 1 to 12 x 12.

Don’t forget to practise the homophone spellings for Monday next week.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Week 5

Another busy week for the Year 4 Crew.
In English the Year 4 crew have been journalists  learning how to write a non-chronological report on the Vikings in preparation for presenting and videoing our reports next week – watch this space!

What fun we have had in maths this week! We’ve been learning how to add three and four digit numbers using the standard written method. We are now able to answer questions which involve carrying as well as solve missing number problems. We practised these skills today on the playground to consolidate our understanding.  Ask us to show you at home! Next week, we will be learning how to use the standard written method for subtraction.

The Year 4 crew have also been given a username and password (written in their partnership books) for Times Table Rockstars – please follow the link  below and start practising at home!

Lastly, in science this week we have been learning about solids, liquids and gases. We now know the difference between them.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Check out these fabulous sketches of Iron Age Weapons!


Week 4 

It’s the end of September already – time really does fly by when you are having fun. It’s been great getting to know the Year 4 crew over the past four weeks and I am thoroughly looking forward to what the rest of the term has to bring!

This week we have been editors and publishers during our English lessons and have finished our quest stories. I have been so impressed with the dedication and perseverance the Year 4 crew has shown to ensure their writing is of such high quality.  We have been learning how to include direct speech in our writing ensuring we include all the correct punctuation when expressing how a character feels.  It has been lovely to see so many children taking pride in their work and producing something they are proud of. Keep it up Year 4!

In Maths we have been learning how to count back through zero to include negative numbers.  Quiz the crew as ask them to count back from 10 past 0 .  We have also been practising our times tables too – Can you practise our 3’s, 4’s and 5’s with us?

In computing this week, we started our E-Safety PowerPoints and learnt how to change the colour and size of font, insert pictures, change the background and also started including animation. We will be finishing these next week – watch this space!

This weeks spellings are words starting with the prefix Im-. Don’t forget to practise these for Tuesday.

We’ll  look forward to seeing you Monday – have a great weekend!

Week 3

What an exciting week we’ve had in Year 4. On Tuesday, we had a very special visit from Tony, Alison, Andy and Lorraine from the Weston Museum who taught us more about the Vikings. We looked at how the Vikings used to live and what made them so successful. It was very interesting. Thank you for inspiring us with your enthusiasm and love of learning.

In Maths we have been consolidating our understanding of rounding and we are now able to round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.  We are also continuously practising our times tables in class as we tackle the KIRF challenge. Can you help us with this at home?  Next week, we will be learning how to order and compare numbers beyond 1000 and how to count backwards through zero to include negative numbers.

In English this week we’ve innovated the story of Erik and the Sea Dragon and have started to write our own quest. Next week we will be finishing our stories and publishing them – watch this space!

Lastly, the Year 4 crew were artists today. Inspired by the artist Chuck Close, we created a huge portrait of Erik the Viking. We used the grid technique and carefully chose light and dark oil pastels to give the full effect.

It’s been great to see so many children completing their home learning again this week. Don’t forget to practise the spellings for Tuesday 25th – we’ve been learning how to use the prefix in- e.g. incomplete inability etc.  

Have a wonderful weekend.

Week 2

In Maths this week we have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 using our understanding of place value. At first we found it challenging but persevered and are now able to explain our thinking.

In English we started reading The Saga of Erik the Viking – ask us what’s happened so far! We have also been discussing the key features of a quest story in preparation for writing our own next week.

Following on from this,  we now know where the Vikings came from, where they settled and why they came to Britain.

It’s been great to see so many children complete home learning this week. Don’t forget to practise the spellings for Tuesday 18th – we’ve been learning the different ways of spelling the sound /or/ spelt  augh and au.

Hope you have a great weekend and we will look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.



Week 1

Welcome to the Year 4 Class Page

The children have come back to school with huge smiles on their faces ready begin their next learning journey.  It has been lovely getting to know the children this week whilst we’ve been learning how to become learning champions. On Monday, we became scientists and unpicked the ingredients of a good Year 4 learner. The children came up with ideas such as happiness, perseverance, confidence and determination.

This week we have unpicked our three new school rules.

Respect yourself.

Respect others.

Respect your environment. 

We will be using these to set out the clear high expectations in our school.

Yesterday, we were historians and became archaeologists for the day looking at artefacts from different periods of history.  We are looking forward to starting our new learning theme this term – They came, they saw, they conquered. Who were they?

Please see our Year 4 Crew parent information –  Welcome Sheet and Learning Theme info 2[453]