Classes 2018-2019 Archives -

Year 3 @West Wick 2018-19

Term Five

What an adventure Term Five has been!

The children have taken on the quest to discover “What Lies Beneath” within our learning theme and have learned about the oceans of our world, The Mariana Trench, the different layers of the ocean and the creatures they would typically find there. The Year Three Crew have loved their learning around the theme which will continue into Term Six as we learn more about what we can do to protect our oceans and share responsibility towards caring for our environment.

Edward Tulane took us on a miraculous adventure, what a journey it was! Year Three learned all about the story and the language included within it really stretched our vocabulary development and imagination! The learning based on Edward Tulane culminated in the crew writing their own chapter. The children were imaginative and demonstrated how much they had loved the story within their own story chapters.

Maths this term included learning all about fractions, including how to find a fraction of an amount, fractions that equal the same amount and the terms ‘numerator’, ‘denominator’ are important within our understanding of fractions. We began to learn about time, including telling the time to five minute intervals as well as to the minute, the crew began to understand am and pm and what times of day we do different things like starting school, having lunch. We will deepen our understanding to begin Term Six.

The children had some very special events, such as the Family Worship when the Year Three Crew were able to demonstrate their understanding of our value of Humility, they had a lovely time doing so! Year Three loved participating in Sports Day and a lot of fun was had joining in with all of the different races.

Don’t forget to take a look at Twitter to see some photos of how much fun we have in our learning!

The Year Three Crew now have a login for Spelling Shed and TTRock Stars, these are the online platforms that we would like the children to use to help their understanding of spellings and times tables at home, if you need more information please come and ask. It is wonderful to see how much the Year Three Crew love reading and their favourite authors include David Walliams, Roald Dahl, JK Rowling, Jacqueline Wilson to name a few. They are enthusiastic to read and this really shows in their understanding and use of language. Please keep encouraging them outside of school to continue in their enjoyment of reading!




Our Welcome to the Year 3 @West Wick Class Page

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The Boy Who Grew Dragons

Year Three thoroughly enjoyed learning collaboratively and sharing their ideas for their own writing based on the story “The Boy Who Grew Dragons”.




Term 3 – Spellings and Homework

Term 3 week 1

Term 3 week 2

Term 3 week 3

Term 3 week 4




Help with this weeks spelling can be found at: 

Term 1 Nandos Homework Grid

Support for times tables –


The boy who grew dragons         


The Ice Palace

“The Ice Palace is a story about a little boy whose little brother is taken by a character called Starjik. He is a bad character but I think he might be a good character in the end!”  JR

We enjoyed role playing the part in the story where Ivan meets the imaginary children.


The King of Winter

The Year 3 Crew have published their beautiful descriptive writing about The King of Winter.


Our main focus was using a variety of sentences such as simple, compound and complex. We enjoyed writing a descriptive piece with the inspiration from the King of Winter.


Trip to Caerleon in Wales


As a final piece before Christmas we are developing our recount skills. We were lucky enough to visit Caerleon in Wales. Although it was rather damp & wegot completely soaked the children and adults had an amazing experience.

The Roman Baths

This is what the Roman’s used to wipe their bottoms after going to the toilet! Yes we all found this slightly disgusting but rather funny!

Romans for the day. Don’t we look smart!

Types of sentences to help us write our recounts:

  • Simple
  • Compound
  • Complex



Persuasive Writing

We received a letter from Claudius Maximus asking us to apply to be a soldier in the Roman Army. We wrote detailed persuasive letters back to him persuading him why we should be in the greatest Roman Army ever!


Non-Chronological Reports

This term we enjoyed developing our writing skills by writing our own non-chronological reports of choice. These ranged from reports about gymnastics, crafts and  tanks to football and horse riding. Pop in to see our ‘Published Pieces’ book of excellence to see your children’s writing .

Play scripts on ‘Ug’

Ug was a Stone Age boy who what what some would say well beyond his years. He could predict what was going to happen in the future but his father just laughed it all off. We used this comic story stimulus to write play scripts and transfer these into direct speech. Our role-play was exciting and it helped us to understand speech in a variety of ways.


Our learning using the text ‘Eric the Viking’.

We wrote quest stories and non-chronological reports about Vikings. We then used these to write our own non-chronological reports using our own interests.



This term we have been looking at multiplication and division and understanding the mathematical concepts and relationships  between them. We looked closely at the relationship between the 2, 4 and 8 times tables, looking for patterns between each. Ask you children to explain how we use a variety of pictorial representations such drawing groups, arrays and the bar model to help us understand these concepts.

We have 3 IPads in class that we use daily to practise time tables and our morning challenges often support these key fluency skills.


Strategies for mathematical learning:

Using an array


Using the bar method

Pictorial representation

In Maths we have been learning all about Place Value and using a different variety of strategies and resources to work out the value of the place.


This week we have been finding out about the teachings  and life of Jesus. We thought about what we already know and what we want to know. The children came up with some really big questions. Take a look at their ideas.


Themed Learning 

What goes in must come out!

Meet Julian, our latest member of the Year 3 Crew! He has come to teach us all about the bones in our bodies.

They came, They saw, They conquered. Who were they?

Viking Shields

The Year 3 Crew have this week finished their Viking shields – Wow year 3, they look incredible!

The children were so proud of their team creations.

The Anglo Saxons

In the next sessions we have been finding out about the Anglo Saxons.

“Anglo Saxons invaded England and fought with the vikings” George

“The Anglo Saxons were Settlers” Elsie

“I learnt that the Anglo Saxons invaded small towns and villages because they wanted their belongings” Max

“In Anglo Saxon times England was called Angle-Land” Izzy


The Vikings and Romans 

We have been writing our own exciting viking adventure stories and created a mystical beast to battle against Erik the Viking and his men.  Today we are publishing our stories ready to present to  the year 1 crew later this week.


Today we had visitors to talk about the Vikings.

Thank you to Tony, Alison, Andy and Lorraine from Weston Museum for inspiring us with your enthusiasm and love of learning.

“I found out that they liked to weave willow sticks to make fences for their gardens. They mixed water and cow poo together and squished it with their feet!” Izzy

“You can take off the flowers from the stinging nettle and eat them. It tasted fizzy.”

“I found out that the ships they sailed were called Viking long ships. The Vikings sat on boxes that were full of their belongings that were mostly stolen!” Jamie

“Their shields stand out so that their enemies can see them. ” Jamie

“I now know that the  Vikings used to burn chalk on a fire  and then use the paste to white wash the wall of their houses to keep them dry.” Mia

“Viking shields are very because they were made of heavy wood and they had lots of metal on them to decorate them.”  Evie

“I now know that some of the Viking words were German.” Evie

” They used to blow a horn at the beginning of a battle. ” Jay

” Children made chess out of real animal bones.” Jay


This week the children will be designing their own viking and Roman shields in teams.

The DIG!

This week the children experienced through a WOW day learning about the past. We became archaeologists for the day searching for buried treasures.  We found objects ranging from the stone age 2.5 million years ago to the Anglo Saxons in 1066.


The children have come back to school with huge smiles on their faces ready to continue loving learning.  It was so lovely to see them after our long sunny summer break.

Today we have unpicked our three new school rules.

Respect yourself.

Respect others.

Respect your environment. 

We will be using these to set out the clear high expectations in our school. Together we thought about what it looks like and sounds like.

As part of our learning the children enjoyed thinking about what makes them a good ‘Learning Champion’. We looked at champions from around the world including J. K. Rowling, Tim Peak and Mo Farah.  The children then decided on how they could use their qualities to become their own leaning champion.

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