Classes 2018-2019 Archives -

Year 2@Hewish 2018-19

Welcome to Year 2 @ Hewish!


Term 5

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Week 4

What amazing children you all have! As Wednesday draws to a close your children have already completed two maths and two reading comprehension tests this week. They have done so unbelievably well and have been completely unfazed by it all; they have totally risen to the challenge of showing us everything they have learnt in Year 2 and showed off all the skills they have acquired, we couldn’t be prouder of every single crew member.

Coming home on Friday is a home school challenge for the half term break instead of a reading comprehension.  If you misplace the letter please follow the link below.


Week 3

What a busy 4 day week it has been!

Well done to everyone that has managed to log in to TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed in the last week, the children have been buzzing about it and have been very keen to share their achievements with us. Those that login and manage to earn point will be given home team points in the class.

On Wednesday afternoons this term the Year 2 Crew have been focussing on art and specifically how to apply our mark making skills. This week we used paint to demonstrate our stippling by creating a fire background, to complete our pictures we used black sugar paper to make a city silhouette to stick on top of our background to finish our Great Fire of London pictures.

Next week we will be completing our Key Stage 1 SATs, the children have been very excited about showing us everything they have learnt so far and we are already immensely proud of them. The testing will be done discreetly and without pressure, we even have squash and biscuits for them to have after each one.

Week 2

Our English work this week has been strongly linked to our topic ‘What was  it like when..?’ with our text focus continuing to be the book ‘The Plague, a cross on the door’. Not only have we found out about the characters of the book but also about the plague, how it spread and some of the precautions they tried to take. Lots of the Year Two Crew have astounded us with how inspired they have been by coming to school with extra facts they have gone home and found out. We have used all of this information to describe both the characters of the book and the city of London at the time. These are some of our sentences…

‘When the plague came to London the houses were scrubby, dirty and dusty.’ Dylan

‘The streets were smelly, putrid and muddy and the houses were made from mud and wood.’ Harry

‘London had a Great fire because the houses were built too close together.’ Darcy

‘The streets in London were filthy because they chucked wee and poo out of the window.’ Rose

‘The streets were extremely muddy and dusty but most of all they were greasy with poo!’ Melissa

In maths this week we have continued to learn about time. We are now all able to tell the time to quarter past, half past, quarter to and o’clock. Today (Tuesday) we have looked at how the minute hand moves around the clock counting in fives. This is anew concept for most of our children but we were really impressed at how they gave it a go and we are sure with a little more practice we will all get there.

Don’t forget that there is a bank holiday on Monday so enjoy the long weekend and we will see you all back on Tuesday morning. Let’s hope for sunshine!

Week 1

Welcome back to term 5, we hope you are all rested and had a lovely Easter break . This term our learning theme will be ‘What was it like when ?’ which will involve the children becoming historians and exploring how to find out about the past from primary and secondary resources .

Here is the learning theme overview for your information

In our maths learning this week we have been looking at telling the time. We started by looking at how many minutes there are in an hour and what the different hands show us. We then started to tell the time! First we learnt o’clock and half past and by the end of the week we were able tell the time to quarter past and quarter to too. Some of us have worked out that if the long minute hand moves from one number to an other on a clock that means that 5 minutes have gone past.

In our English learning this week we have started a  book study that links to our new learning theme ‘What was it like when..?’. The book is called The Plague, a cross on the door. On Thursday we had a look at the front cover and blurb and had a go at predicting what we thing the book is about; we had lots of different and interesting ideas.

On Wednesday afternoon we had a look at a sketch of Big Ben. It was full of detail and different mark making skills. We each took a quarter of this picture and had a go at using the relevant skills to recreate it. The whole of the Year 2 Crew did amazingly well, we definitely have some budding artists in our classroom!

We kicked of our new learning theme by being detectives on Tuesday. We were given different suitcases and had to use the clothes and items inside to work out who the cases might have belonged to, we really enjoyed being historians and looking for clues. Take a look at the pictures below


Term 4

Week 6

What a great start to the week we had on Monday with our Year 2 Crew family worship. It was great to see so many of you there and the children were very proud to share their messages of compassion with you. Thank you for your support with helping them learn their lines at home.

The children in the Year 2 Crew have been trying to get their heads around column subtraction this week. We started by using the columns to do simple subtraction number sentences, ensuring that we always start with the ones/ units and then move on to the tens. As the week has progressed we have moved on to ones columns where you need to borrow from a ten from the next the tens. The children struggled with this to begin with but by the end of the week we were getting it!

In our writing this week we have been concluding our learning theme ‘How amazing are we?’ by designing our own animals. We used heads, bodies and tails from different animals. The children had to consider their habitats, diet, camouflage, how they would protect themselves from predators and any special features they might have. We put all of this information in to a fact file and then wrote reports to share our information with others.

The adult in the Year 2 Crew would like to thank you all for the last term and the support you have shown us, it has been amazing Term 4. Enjoy the Easter break and we will see you back at school on Tuesday 23rd April, have fun making memories.

Week 5

Wow, only one week to go until the end of term, it has whizzed by!

We have been busy preparing for our Year 2 Crew family Worship on compassion. We have been looking at Bible stories, songs and prayers that link to this theme and have been really inspired. Your children do have lines or words to learn for this and they have bought them home in their book bags, if you could help them to learn these over the eekend, we would be really grateful. You are all welcome to join us for this celebration on Monday afternoon, we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

In maths this week we have looking at addition. We did this at the start of the school year by partitioning numbers into tens and ones but this week we tackled column addition. We have learnt that the digits always need to go under one another and that we always start by adding the numbers in the ones column. Some of our children have felt confident enough to tackle problems with a regroup, this is when we have too many for the column we are working on and need to carry some of it over to the next one. We did such a great job at this that when e looked at coumn subtraction on Friday we were amazing and were able to work through the questions calmly.

In our writing this week we looked at the story starter from the Lady Of The Garden. At the start of the week we continued a picture which showed a snippet from the garden and used our adjectives and similes to describe what we could see. As the week progressed we used our describing skills to write our own story starters for the scene. We used a checklist to see how many technical features we could include in our writing. There were features such as adjectives, adverbs and speech marks on the list.

In art this week we continued layering paint on to our tissue paper ready for our big art next week, our animal skin patters are looking great, they are very imaginative!

Week 4

This week has been a busy week with some brilliant learning on display . The children  planned their own quest stories based on The Hodegheg last week and this week we have enthusiastically writing them, watch this space to see some of them next week .

This week has been assessment week and the children in Year 2 have been shining brightly by showing us what they can remember from this terms learning. Next week is super teach week and we will be looking to plug any gaps that have been identified in the children’s learning but they should feel proud of themselves, we certainly are.

Have a great weekend, only 2 weeks until the Easter holidays!

Week 3

We would like to start this weeks entry by thanking you for all your support this week for both the school trip on Thursday and dress in red on Friday for comic relief.

In maths this week we have developed our knowledge of fractions. At the start of the week we looked at thirds of numbers and shapes which the children were able identify and work out successfully. On Friday the children were given a fractions quiz and they absolutely blew us away with all the knowledge they had retained, they are absolute superstars!

This week we finished the Hodgeheg  and started planning how we could innovate it to make our own story. On Wednesday we planned our stories; some of the children chose to change the animal characters and others changed the location or the solution in the story. We are looking forward to writing these next week, watch this space!

On Thursday, along with the Year 1 Crew, we went to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm to learn more about animals and how amazing we they are. As well as looking at the animals we also had a workshops which taught us about habitats, adaptations, camouflage and the diets of some animals. The children were great at listening to all the new information and have already started to bring some of this learning back into the classroom. Some of the children in our Crew were brave enough to stroke snakes and cockroaches! It was a windy and wild day but we all had a wonderful time and we are very proud of all the children and how they behaved.


Week 2

What a busy week in the Year 2 classroom!

In maths this week we have continued to look at fractions, of shapes and numbers. We have found out that the bottom number in the fraction, the denominator tells us how many groups or parts we need to separate the shape or number in to and the top number, the numerator, indicates how many we need to select. We have explored this with halves, quarters and thirds. The children are very good at knowing that the groups they are dividing into need to be equal groups that are all the same. We will continue this learning strand next week, I am sure that if you ask your children, they will be able to show you their learning in action!

In English we continue to read the story of ‘Hodgeheg’ which is a story of a young hedgehog called Max who makes it his mission to find a safe place for hedgehogs to cross safely. This week we have been writing instructions to tell Max just how to do this. We have tried our hardest to include imperative verbs, time connectives, conjunctions, adjectives and maybe even a simile too by . In true Year 2 style we have been amazing at this and were very proud of our published pieces.

In PE this week we were introduced to curling. The crew did a great job at getting to grips with the basics and tried really hard to use their target and aim skills to get the stones in the points area.

As well as all of our maths and English learning this week we have been celebrating World book day. There have been lots of events throughout the week including a book share with parents, a pyjama bedtime story session, a book swap and of course our dress as a book character day on Thursday. We would like to thank everyone who joined in these activities and supplied such wonderful costumes… Thank You!

Don’t forget that the Year 1 and 2 Crew are on a school trip next Thursday to Noah’s Ark. If you have not returned the consent form yet could you please do this.



Year 2 Crew @Hewish Term 3 week 6

This week year 2 have learned about the properties of 2D and 3D shape . This is not as easy as it sounds, as they have learned lots of complex mathematical vocabulary including symmetry, regular and irregular polygons, faces, edges and vertices (challenge your crew member this week with a half term shape hunt).  They have persuaded the world to be healthy and eat their healthy oat bar with wrapper and poster design and have recounted the adventures of Hansel and Gretel(your crew member could write about this and illustrate during the holiday if they have time). They have sequenced a human grown and change timeline, danced, play ball games and explored a magical world where a cat chases an alien rabbit! What bright, confident, brilliant little people Year 2 crew are becoming. I hope to hear lots about their adventures in the future.

Thank you to all the Year 2 parents and families, and to each and every member of Year 2 crew. Lots of luck and love. I will really miss you!

Mrs Stone

Year 2 Crew @Hewish Term 3 week 5

This week we continued our learning theme learning around how amazing are we? and this exciting theme ran throughout our English and maths. Have a look at what we have been learning!


We explored tally charts and pictograms this week but far more exciting we spent one afternoon exploring a Fermi problem. A Fermi problem is named after the physicist and mathematician who invented open ended mathematical learning, where there is no definite answer. Year 2 crew considered how many bones it would take to fill the classroom. Initially year 2 decided to divide the room into 10 parts and see how many bones would fit in one part. The first try did not go to plan. Year 2 realised the problem “they are not equal parts”..they set about correcting this measuring with rulers using the learning from last week. Finally year 2 tested the number of people it took to fit into one tenth. Exactly 20 people fitted into this space, and each of us had 206 bones. Year 2 calculated that this meant that it would take 41,200 bones to fit into the classroom. This was an afternoon well spent, and lots of fun for NSPCC number day.


Year 2 created a healthy snack bar this week. Initially, they looked at ingredients and break time snacks available, and then they decided to use just healthy ingredients and fruit to sweeten their break time bar. We created this together sharing job roles and mixing whilst making a wish. Year 2 wrote about what they had done, creating instructions in the style of a recipe. Finally, we found a biscuit eater in our staff team (Mrs Poole kindly volunteered and handed over her biscuit stash!) and year 2 wrote persuasive letters to convince Mrs Poole to change her ways and stay healthy. Each member of Year 2 produced an amazing piece of writing and these will be available to read at parents evening.


This week year 2 crew finished Jonah’s story. They formed a ‘conscience alley’ and used yet more persuasion to convince Jonah to make a good or bad decision. In PSHE we looked at being healthy with medicines.


We continue hand ball and dance and are also building up miles on our regular mile a day runs.

Year 2 Crew @Hewish Term 3 week 4

This week Year 2 continued DEAR time – Drop Everything and Read! Each child has a special book of their choice to read either to you or independently at home. Each week they will write about how the story is progressing. When they are ready (this can simply be ready for a change, rather than when they’ve finishes the book), they can bring the book back and swap it for another which interests them.


This week Year 2 learned how to measure in cm and m. Ask your crew member how they would measure a building and a dolls house (cm or m). They may also enjoy extending their learning or showing you what they know by measuring at home. A fun filled activity is to measure each member of the family in m and cm and write these measurements in pencil on a door frame.


This week Year 2 explored their senses, testing how it felt to lose a sense through a range of activities and recording the results as a scientific investigation.

Learning Theme

We continued to investigate the effect of exercise on the body by seeing how out bodies felt when we exercised and completing a range of fun physical activities.



This week in RE year 2 crew learned about Jonah’s task. They explored how he may have felt and created amazing individual performances in groups acting the story for one another.


Year 2 enjoyed hand ball and began creating a class dance…we hope to be able to share this soon.

Year 2 Crew @Hewish Term 3 week 3

This week we have continued to explore How Amazing Are We? And have also focused a little on the joy of books. As a special class event, children have begun reading a book of their choice from the bookcase at school. They started reading ion class today as part of DEAR time – Drop Everything and Read! Each child has taken their chosen book home tonight to read a little more.


In maths we have continued to divide.

If your crew member talks about division at home it may help to use this stem sentence:

‘There are _____ altogether/in total divided into ____ equal groups. There are ______ in each group’ (looking at how many in one group often helps).


This week we thought about how to be healthy and stay healthy! The children worked in groups to make posters about different aspects of being healthy and present them to the crew. We have finished the week by creating leaflets with information about how to be healthy.

Learning Theme

Year 2 began to investigate the effect of exercise on the body as part of our scientific learning this week. This will continue in both English and cross-curricular science next week.


This week in RE year 2 crew learned about the 10 commandments, thinking about what they are and how they help us live happy lives. In PSHE year 2 thought about why we need to use medicine safely.


Year 2 enjoyed hand ball and practised varied dance for the final time before moving to create our class dance next week.


Year 2 Crew @Hewish Term 3 week 2

This week has been packed full of fun and visitors! Thank you to Vicky Bird for coming in to teach the children about bones, muscles, joints and fractures. The children were able to meet a real live skeleton and ask their burning questions. As budding scientists they had many including what job certain bones did what each organ’s role was and what the bones and joints were called. They also wanted to know what happens when we break, and how we can fix it. They all very much enjoyed this learning and were full of enthusiastic chatter about this as they came in on Friday, which drove an extension to our morning challenge.


Year 2 finished looking at multiplication this week, solving abstract number sentence problems and reasoning around multiplication. We then moved on to division, extending learning so far to dividing by sharing into groups. Your crew member may tell you about their learning and may like to show you how to count equal groups and write multiplication number sentences and how to take a total number of things and share these into equal groups by dividing.

If your crew member talks about division at home it may help to use this stem sentence:

‘There are _____ altogether/in total divided into ____ equal groups. There are ______ in each group’ (looking at how many in one group often helps).


Year 2 prepared a non-chronological report about bones and the skeleton this week. They used the information from our visit to extend and deepen their learning, adding to their non-chronological report with information they had remembered.

Learning Theme

As well as a visit from Occupational Therapy and a ‘real’ skeleton we were lucky to have a visit from a nurse to talk about the organs, and to play where does the organ go? with us. This was another fantastic learning experience which gave year 2 an opportunity to use what they knew as a platform to learn more.


We continued thinking about how to live our lives and forgiveness. In PSHE year 2 talked about the importance of being able to relax and how to do this. They shared the things that worried them and how to approach this and created a collage showing what it looks like to feel stressed and what it looks like to relax.


Year 2 enjoyed hand ball and practiced dance. They began to think of music and moves we could incorporate into our class dance.

Year 2 Crew@Hewish Term 3 week 1

Welcome back to all our families and Year 2 crew members. It has been lovely to see everyone and catch up with news about a variety of exciting Christmas and New Year adventures.

We have started this week with lots of practical learning and the launch of our new learning theme. Please look out for your letter and topic webs for this term and next term in book bags today.


This week we have re-capped the multiplication learning we explored before Christmas. We have developed this by making arrays with counters and dots and writing the repeated addition and multiplication number sentences. We have reasoned with a range of pictorial arrays and progressed to reasoning around multiplication. Year 2 crew have done some fantastic learning and have really cracked this! They should be proud of a whizzy start to 2019.


This week we have explored using time conjunctions and imperative (bossy) verbs, we have linked this to spelling, grammar and phonics learning around adding suffixes and have written about bones and first aid, all linked to our exciting new learning theme!

Learning Theme

Year 2 were lucky to have a visit from St John’s ambulance this week. The paramedic who came into school explained how to carry out a primary survey, checking for danger and responsiveness, next she taught year 2 how to put a casualty into the recovery position and finally she taught us what to do if a person was choking. This was a fantastically successful session – please ask your crew member to demonstrate their skills by putting you into the recovery position this weekend.


We began our learning around how to live our lives by thinking about forgiveness in the context of a modern version of Goldilocks and the 3 bears, where the bears forgive and befriend Goldilocks. Year 2 had some beautiful reasons to extend forgiveness, viewing it as part of friendship and family. A wow moment! In PSHE we are thinking about being healthy as this links so well with our learning theme.


We will continue our learning around dance, and are re-capping important moves from the varied styles of dance we learnt last term in order to create a crew dance which will include dances we have learnt and improvised sections based on dance learning to date. Year 2 crew are planning to progress their ‘mash-up’ over the course of this term and video the final product for parents at the end of term! Ball skills will continue and we will begin invasion games and build stamina with circuit training to ensure a balanced PE curriculum.

Welcome back to Year 2 crew!

Our spellings for term 3 are below. Please continue to read with your child at home at least 3 times each week and encourage them to practise spellings as well. Children can do this independently, using colours, writing spellings words as many times as possible in a minute, or by creating word puzzles or crosswords.

Thank you to all year 2 crew families for your support. We look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Mrs Stone, Miss Matthews and Mrs Brown

Year 2 Spellings Term 3

Week 1

Adding ed, er and est to a word ending in y with a consonant before it

Week 2

Adding ing to a word ending in y with a consonant before it

Week 3

Adding ing, ed, er, est and y to words ending in e with a consonant before it

Week 4

Adding ing, ed, er, est and y to words of one syllable ending in a single consonant after a vowel

Week 5

The sound /or/spelt ‘a’ before l or ll

Week 6

Common Exception Words





























































Year 2 Crew @Hewish week 14

Wishing all members of the year 2 crew and their families and carers a happy Christmas and a lovely holiday.

In year 2 last week:


Year 2 began to explore sharing into equal groups, making equal groups and comparing equal groups. The final steps were to explore adding these groups and looking at them as multiplication statements, introducing the x symbol. The crew all grasped this amazing well, and we will progress this learning on our return to school.


Year 2 crew continued working on their very own Christmas poems, and all created collection to take home for you as Christmas presents. They particularly focused on descriptive language and exploring vocabulary from both our model text ‘Twas the night before Christmas’ and other Christmas poems. Look out for our new vocabulary wall at the start of next term and challenge your crew member to use a new word in conversation with you.

Learning Theme

This week we combined RE and out learning theme by exploring nativity performances, and the way in which we celebrate Christmas in the UK. Our crew were keen to talk and write about their own Christmas traditions and which of these they enjoy most.


Year 2 danced around the world for the last time, and they really should be congratulated on the varied styles of dance they have learned so far. We hope to create a mix of the dances we have learned and record as a video next term.

A huge thank you to all of Year 2 crew and their families, parents and carers for their support so far this academic year. We are extremely impressed by the learning we have seen. We hope you enjoy the break and we look forward to seeing you again in the New Year!

Finally, at this time to reflect, we have added some photographs of our learning so far this year below for you to share with your crew member.

Mrs Stone and Miss Matthews

Our year so far….

Year 2 Crew@Hewish week 13

This week year 2 impressed their teaching staff by putting on an amazing nativity production, Superstar. It was such a shame that our Super star and some other members of the year 2 crew weren’t up to performing, however, the children who performed, especially in the evening carried the performance – a show for 30 (plus) children between a third less than the required number proving their abilities, resilience, determination and outstanding oracy skills.

Your teachers are extremely proud of you Year 2!




We have begun looking at sharing and grouping as mathematical skills and considering equal and unequal groups.


Year 2 have begun writing Christmas poetry to share with over Christmas. We are exploring different types of poems whilst thinking about nouns, adjectives and verbs.


This week we learned about Diwali and discussed the similarities and differences between Diwali and Christmas in the UK. We also explored pattern and texture through linked art learning.


Both cricket and dance continue. Year 2 have honed their cricket skills and learned to cha-cha-cha!


We continue explore the celebration of difference and how to be a good friend in PSHE. This week we looked at bullying and what to do if you are in this position, or a friend needs your help.

Learning theme

We have bid the wider world au revoir, and returned to the UK to look at the celebration of Christmas through varied stories and poems.

We have had a truly amazing week. Thank you Year 2 crew for your commitment to your learning!

Year 2 Crew @Hewish week 12

This week in Year 2…

Rehearsals continue for the forthcoming Christmas nativity. Please can children have a last run through at home before next week just to make sure they are really happy with their lines? I am certain they will impress you all with the final performance!


In mathematics this week we have been continued counting money. If you have the chance, your crew member may like to buy some penny sweets with a small amount of pocket money and calculate their change. (Please note we keep pounds and pence separate at present and refer to amounts as £__________ and _______pence.)


This week year 2 crew have looked at imperative (bossy) verbs, using these when writing command sentences (what you should do on Christmas Eve) and when giving Santa instructions about how to deliver their presents. We then move to look at rhyme and repetition before writing our own Christmas poems.

Learning Theme

We visited North and South America the children then said goodbye to Where In the World Am I? a learning theme they have very much enjoyed before moving to look at something else which is close to their hearts, the celebration of Christmas.


This week we said goodbye to Hinduism by learning about Diwali and comparing this with the celebration of Christmas.


We continue to dance and enjoy cricket coaching.

Mrs Stone and Miss Matthews

Year 2 Crew @Hewish week 11

This week in Year 2 our rehearsal for the forthcoming Christmas nativity play continues, which has been a great opportunity to look at the structure of this type of writing as a form of guided reading, to use the content for discussion and as a test of comprehension. Next week however we hope to be script free and so if you able to practise lines at home this weekend, that would certainly support our crew effort.

Whether a star, apprentice, wise man, king, or director year 2 crew members are trying hard to impress. We are looking forward to showing off our production on 11th December.


In mathematics this week we have been counting, comparing and selecting correct money. The festive season is an excellent time to practice this skill when out and about, so please feel free to ask your crew member what coins and notes you could use when purchasing Christmas shopping. (Please note we keep pounds and pence separate at present and refer to amounts as £__________ and _______pence, year 2 do not include a decimal place.)

This has been an exciting yet challenging area of learning, but the crew have taken this challenge with relish, and Miss Matthews and I are very proud of their dedication to master this important area of learning. After all, who doesn’t want to know what they can buy with their pocket money?!


The praise for year 2 continues as we move to share our learning in English this week. Every child in our crew worked hard to write a newspaper report, based on the structure of a real life BBC report about a kidnapped shark. This linked well with our learning around Meerkat Mail and our shared write around the kidnap of Sunny the Meerkat by the Jackal!

We concluded this week with some work on our oracy skills by presenting the key facts from our reports to one another using well-chosen words and stem sentences. Your year 2 crew member might like to present to you this weekend to share their learning and their presentation.

Learning Theme(Geography focus)

We have travelled to Australia and New Zealand this week. Next week we will have a final visit to North and South America and say goodbye to Where In the World Am I? moving to learn about the celebration of Christmas.


Year 2 crew impressed their teaching crew with their understanding of both the Christian and Hindu creation stories when discussing the differences between them and the similarities.


We continue to dance and enjoy cricket coaching.

Thank you to everyone who attended or supported St Anne’s at the Christmas Fair. It was lovely to see so many of you.

Mrs Stone

This week!

Here are some pictures from a busy and exciting week!


Here are some photos of our learning from last term, which reflect how Year 2 crew learn to love, and love to learn!

Year 2 Crew @Hewish week 9

What an exciting week we have had! We have had a visit from the NSPCC teaching us about children’s rights and trusted adults who are here to help, we have also enjoyed fundraising for children in need by wearing spots, as well as continuing with our learning.

This week in Year 2 we have been learning to:


In maths we have begun to apply addition to a motivating! Year 2 have learned to count pounds and pence. If you are able to support this learning at home by talking about money and letting your crew member count it, this would develop their understanding, ready for more learning around money next week.


This week year 2 innovate their own stories based on the language and structure of Meerkat Mail. The writing has been clear, well-structured and very impressive. Please do feel free to come in and take a look.

Learning Theme

This week year 2 crew learned about France and China and located Europe and Asia on the world map and globe.

Science, RE, PE

In science we have investigated habitats, and we have continued to dance around the world, and play cricket in PE. In RE we are learning about creation in different faiths and learning to make comparisons.

Year 2 Crew @Hewish week 8

This week in Year 2 we have been learning to:


In maths we have continued with addition bridging ten, and have learned to subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number.

Can your year 2 crew member tell you which number to subtract? (The big one or the little one?)

We have continued to use base 10 to support our understanding.


This week we re-told the story Meerkat Mail, a story that the whole crew have enjoyed. The children worked hard to sequence the story and use the language which they had immersed themselves in through re-reading, and varied literacy tasks. They prepared detailed story maps, and produced some outstanding writing. Please do come and take a look next week!

Learning Theme

This week year 2 crew located the world’s 7 continents and 5 oceans producing a map with a key.


Science this week involved learned about both condensation and insulation, and making use of the scientific skills of prediction, observation, investigation and noting results. Year 2 were pleased to learn that Swiss scientists discovered the value of insulating glaciers with blankets, and felt certain


In RE we have looked at why our world is special and at the creation story. We have also learned about why we wear a poppy, and remembrance day. Please have a look at our crew display.


This week we danced into North America, learning how to line dance. We also spent time learning cricket from a professional cricket coach!

Need to know:

This terms spelling rule patterns are:

Mrs Stone and Miss Matthews

Year 2 Crew @Hewish week 7

This week in Year 2 we have been learning to:


This week in maths we have been learning to add and subtract 2 digit numbers. We have used column addition pictorial models to support this learning. The pictorial model for addition looks like this:

When subtracting, we have used a similar method. We have drawn the number we are subtracting from using base 10, and crossed out the ones before totalling the remaining quantity.

As we are now into half term, our keen mathematicians may want to practise at home by setting themselves some number sentences! If they do this, please them in to show us when we return to school.


This week we embarked on an exciting adventure with Sunny the Meerkat, from the Kalahari desert. Year 2 prepared a postcard from a place they were familiar with, and completed their first ever character profile of Sunny. They progressed ot write impressive innovative story section, which I will put together into the Year 2 Meerkat Mail story book over the half term holiday and share with them, and parents when we return.

Learning Theme

Year 2 crew discovered where the hot and cold climates of the world were in relation to the equator this week. We played some games to establish which hemisphere we lived in and then completed our own map with corresponding key.


This week we have set our investigation for when we return to school. In week 1 of our new term we will consider this scientific question: how does ice melt inside a jacket(insulator)?


In RE Year 2 have continued to look at Hinduism and compare this with Christianity.


This week we re-capped our Indian dancing and year 2 crew progressed to creating their own dances in small groups. The crew worked well, and proved to have some real dance talent in their number!

When we return we dance into New Zealand and South Africa!


This term we have looked at rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences.  This has linked with our school value this term; responsibility. Our crew finished the term by representing in a poster how it looks when we respect one another and work as a team, being mindful of our responsibility.


Next terms spellings:

The crew have had a fantastic first term and have worked very hard. Thank you to them all and have a well earned rest.

Mrs Stone and Miss Matthews

Year 2 Crew @Hewish week 6

This week in Year 2 we have been learning to:


We have been adding and subtracting in multiples of 10. We added 10 to other numbers to 100.


We learned about Antarctica and the features of a non-chronological report. We finished the week by writing our own non-chronological report on Antarctica.

Learning Theme

We used maps and aerial photographs to find where we were in the world. We were all excited to find our school between the main road and railway line. Next week we head off around the world!

Linking to Brunel we enjoyed some bridge design with different materials.


We learned about the weather and found out that rainfall is not always the same in one place, it does vary, but within our school it did not vary very much.

We also conducted an ice experiment and looked at where ice melted most quickly…it was on the radiator. It melted least quickly by the door.


This week we danced around the world to India, and successfully mastered Bollywood dancing.

We have worked very hard and look forward to sharing our learning with our families at our learning meetings.

Need to know:

This week we are learning common exception words These are the words we just need to learn by sight, rather than using phonics.













Year 2 Crew @Hewish week 5

We find ourselves at the end of another busy week in Year 2. This week we have been learning to:


Use the commutative law (17 + 3 = 20, so 3 + 17 = 20), and the inverse (17 + 3 = 20 so 20 – 17 = 3). We have also looked at how number facts are related. Please ask your year 2 crew member to explain this to you – it helps their learning and they have been proud of their ‘easy maths’. Realising that there is a connection between the numbers also supports future mathematical development and fluency of calculation.


Our crew have worked so hard this week to re-tell the story of the snail and the whale. While we developed a story map, and shared ideas for each section prior to writing, each story is different and is told again in your year 2 crew members own words. They have worked hard to improve their writing, and Miss Matthews and I have been extremely impressed!

Learning Theme

This has been a busy week for year 2 learning around our learning theme. We had a visit from Farmlink on Wednesday and used maps and compasses to go orienteering, linked to our work around where in the world am I? The crew had great fun consolidating and deepening their understanding of maps, orientation, and mapping. Have a look at our photos!


This week year 2 have monitored the weather around school and collected data to support their investigation of the question: does rain fall vary in different areas around school? More will follow next week, when we analyse our year 2 crew data!

We continue our learning in RE, PE, music, art and PSHE, and hope to have some performance pieces to share in the near future.

Well done year 2 for a fantastic week of learning!

Mrs Stone

Year 2 @ Hewish week 4!


This week we have continued comparing numbers using <, >, and =.We have learned to count in 2, 3, 5 and 10s. We have also learned to count our pocket money!


In English we used persuasive language and varied sentence starters. We used our persuasive sentences to convince Mrs Dadds that it is safe to play football at break time.


We have framed a crew question: ‘does a different amount of rain fall in different areas around school when it is raining’? We will take this forward with a scientific investigation designed by us as a crew next week!

Learning theme

We have sketched UK landscapes showing physical and human geographical features, and learned about the characteristics of the four countries of the UK including which flag and flower belong to which place.

PE, Music, Computing and RE  

We have continued with learning around dance and movement, rhythm, melody and harmony, being safe online and uses of technology and Hinduism this week.

We have worked hard again this week, so we are a little tired but are really proud of our achievements.

Thank you, from

The Year 2 Crew! 

From our teachers;

This week the children have worked very hard as a team to support one another and to focus on their learning. We would like to say well done, we have been very impressed. Please encourage your year 2 super crew member to keep it up!

Thank you!

Mrs Stone and Miss Matthews.  

Need to know:

This week’s rule is the ‘y’ sound spelt ‘dge’ and ‘ge’ at the end of words.










Year 2 @ Hewish week 3!


In mad maths challenge we have worked on doubles. We have looked at 10s and 1s particularly swapping 10 ones for 1 ten. We have compared numbers using < > and =.


In English this week we have used descriptive language to describe the snail, the whale and the harbours.


We learned about weather stations. They have a thermometer, a windmill, a wind vane and a rain gauge.


We have continued with dance and movement.

Learning theme

We have sorted human and physical geographical features, and really secured our geographical understanding in this area.


This week we listened to our crew song and found, clapped and moved to the beat. We compared the beat with an African folk song and talked about the ways the music was different. We thought about structure, timing, beat and how loud or quiet the song was at different points.


This week we learned about Hindu worship and compared it with Christian worship in and out of school.


We are learning how to be safe online and how to use a computer, thinking about e-safety and safe searching. We will continue this learning over the coming week before we begin to experiment with creating, saving and printing our documents.


This week we learned about responsibility and through some team games, involving oracy, verbally structuring ideas, we thought about being responsible in our outlook, especially in kindness to others, and then sorted priorities as a group, agreeing the order of importance. Some magnificent arguments were made and the crew was surprised to notice how much agreement we found between us. It was lovely to learn that year 2 crew thinks looking after our planet and being kind and caring are the most important areas of responsibility.

Thank you for reading about our learning!

The Year 2 Crew!    

Need to know:

This week’s rule is the ‘s’ sound spelt c before e, I and y.











Year 2 Crew @ Hewish – Week 2!


This week in maths we have been learning to partition numbers. Partitioning numbers is when you split them into 10s and 1s. We have learned to prove our maths with dienes blocks.

As super challenge we used a part, part, whole model to change the way we partitioned the 10s and 1s (50 is 5 tens and 0 1s, or 3 tens and 2 tens, or 30 and 20).

We have worked really hard and impressed the year 2 teaching team!


In English we were writing to the snail and whale, asking questions and using a question mark. They wrote back, sending us a postcard. We then wrote in role as either the snail or the whale.


We learned some movements to support ball skills, had fun with a team game, and learned a dance as a penguin or polar bear. We had a dance off which was a favourite thing this week for many of us.

Learning Theme

This week we created UK maps, labelling the seas, countries and capital cities of the UK.


We learned about weather change in different seasons, and made a chart to show the changes.


We learned a new song and played musical games to find the beat.

We have had another fantastic week, worked very hard, and enjoyed our learning!

Thank you for reading all about it!


The Year 2 Crew

Need to know: This our spelling rule will be the ‘r’ sound at the beginning of words spelt ‘wr’. The words to practise are:











Welcome back to school!

Oh the Places You’ll Go – Class Poem

Oh the places we go video

Year 2 Crew @ Hewish – Week1!

It has been a pleasure to welcome the new Year 2 crew into this fresh academic year at St Anne’s Church Academy at Hewish. The children have had a wonderful first week learning like champions, and have set thought about what a champion leaner is like in year 2 as well as setting their own class expectations. The class have hit the ground running with their learning in English and Maths this week, with focus on counting by grouping, and counting in 2,3,5 and 10s, which helps to create deep mastery understanding of early multiplication and division. Our crew have learned, published and innovated poetry this week, and our class recital of ‘Oh the Places You’ll Go’ by Dr Seuss, is available for you to watch on our website.

Miss Matthews and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our crew for their enthusiasm and dedication this week. We are both very much looking forward to working with such a fantastic crew!

Sam Stone (Year 2 class teacher)

Need to know: Next week our spelling learning for the week is going to be based on the ‘n’ sound spelt ‘kn’ and less usually ‘gn’ at the start of a word. Practising these words with your child at home will help support their learning in school and give them confidence to use the words in their writing.

The words to practise are:









